Dr Kike Broccoliwitz Lenderman

Discord ID: 338790534086656030

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@Thule You do? Okey. I mean it's messed up here in Sweden today.

Youtube going hard on censor mode right now.

After E3 yesterday who got time for other games in the near future than Nintendo games? Pokemon for Nintendo Switch? Wow. And that is just the beginning...

Im afraid not.


@Deleted User I play a couple of hours every week or so to relax myself nowdays.

Kommunisterna inom Miljรถpartiet รคr i Hallonbergen och delar flygblad lol.


Hmm. Jag har en frรฅga. Sรฅ man fรฅr inte ha piercingar inom Motstรฅndsrรถrelsen? ร„ndรฅ tycker jag man ser mรฅnga medlemar med det i รถronen dรฅ frรคmst. Sรฅ hur ligger det till egentligen?

I've wonder if any germans from the war era that were National socialists lived to see the skinheads.

Must have been quite a chock.

Do a video with it on fire. Like the Resistance movement did to the pride flag<:heil:449290177316388874>


What ethnic background does she have?

She prolly has from all that time hanging around with blacks and stuff.


Agreed. She is.

@FinnoNS Sent a request<:adolflol:449290174082318339>

In Sweden you mean?

@Fazer Hai Taylor fuhrerina

Really? Wow.

I used to hang back in the days with a guy who was a gypsie from Finland. They're straight up thugs. Aholes in general it seems like. Like this guy. He would always start trouble when he could. He stole money from a blind and mentally ill immigrant guy in his home once that we knew of. Tells you alot about these gypsies. And what they're made of.

nice work!

Some israeli company owns like all the voting american machines i think<:oyvey:449213130262708224>

Voting fraud? You betcha!

Hahaha. Really? Wow.

Where can you hear the speeches from Almedalen?

Except for Simon and so on yesterday i missed the rest.

@Deleted User <:heil:449290177316388874>

Welcome onboard mate

Why not now? Ludvika was my first. Really enjoyed it.

How can you take out a part of a podcast? If you want a certian part of a program.

@Deleted User Party program???

@Deleted User Oh no. Was interested in general how you cut out clips out of programs. But thanks.

๐Ÿด ๐Ÿ˜Š

Can my friend get invited to here?

Does that mean that Emil gonna run for local election in Ludvika?


<:spurdo:449290177446281217> ๐Ÿ”

Who knew back then as a kid that childhood programs like Biker Mice tried to tell you about the jew.


@Maxx Sweet! Looking forward to see you there mate. I'm kind of new myself this will only be my second demo.

Will it be Nordic Frontier today?

Okey. Daam.


I can respect Hamas we are fighting against the same eternal nosed enemy pretty much.

Hur har ni andra tรคnkt med kรถtt i jul? Sjรคlv tรคnker jag fรถrsรถka lรคgga en lite mer av pengarna pรฅ nitritfri korv och bรคttre kรถtt. Dรคr framfรถrallt djuren inte fรฅtt stressat ihjรคl sig till julen. ร„r dock inte sรฅ lรคtt hรคr var jag bor att fรฅ ta i en del av dessa produkter. Har hittat nรฅgra fรฅ bra lรคnkar. Det verkar till viss del att fรฅ tag i chark utan nitrit i vanliga butiker. Hรคr รคr nรฅgra fรฅ bra lรคnkar jag har hittat med bรคttre framtaget kรถtt i alla fall http://korvhantverkstockholm.se https://www.gronagardar.se/sv https://www.ekodirekt.se/kontakt


Hej. Vรคlkommen ๐Ÿ˜„

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