тнат Døg Walкег 🇨🇦🇺🇸

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It’s finally Friday

Hey guys.

Good morning. Sunday morning

Guys I have something so ridiculous to tell you

There are literally people in this country who cannot tell the difference between the confederate flag and the state of Florida‘s flag

Yes I literally wanted to punch myself because of that 

I understand that Florida was a part of the confederacy but that was 155 years ago. The modern Florida’s flag was developed in 1900

I think that’s what they said when they were designing the flag was that the Red Cross represented Spain and that they put the state seal in the middle of the cross to represent them

And add a little insult to injury the first state flag was not adopted until 1893 so no flag has any remnants of the Confederacy with the exception of old Georgia in old Mississippi but both of them have been changed sense and both of them have been a petition to be changed since the civil rights movement of the 60s

I’m hoping HR1 doesn’t pass on the Senate. Rules in voting is fundamental to having a fair and free election

There was no evidence of that. It was the state capitols incident all over again

Democrats always play the victim when they don’t get there way. Just watch the certification from Bush or Trump where multiple states claimed something that had no weight

Off topic slightly but did anyone hear about the caravan disaster at the border in California

I feel a recession is coming on

Which sucks because I’m just starting to build my savings and checking back up. I was comfy since December 2019 and I would like to stay comfy

Biden wants to put a travel on Florida and Texas. I think they would love that

California and New York have no room to talk because they rank one and two in cases death and the least vaccinated of the 15 most populated states

And Andrew Cuomo. This is fun

Well they took his emergency powers away. Just like they did in my state Michigan with Whitmer

I have the virus but I was asymptomatic so I really don’t know how bad COVID is but I will say that no I was not scared that I got it

To be honest I don’t know how I got it but what’s weird is that everyone else in my family tested negative and my cousin who tested positive along with me just had minor symptoms of just feeling sick but got over it pretty quickly

Guys I have some news to share

Vernon Jones left the Democrat party and is joining the Republican Party

He’s a Georgia state representative

I just heard about it 10 minutes ago so it might be old news but I’m excited

Uh okay. But yes Jones came a republican after voting trump in 2020. I guess the whole BLM/black victim hood movement wasn’t working anymore

The only person I find hot is my significant other

My parents always told me. Don’t get government handouts unless you absolutely need it. Otherwise get up and get working.

My parents have never took a handout even when they needed too because in their eyes someone else needs it more

I told my parents that but they wouldn’t listen.

Why work when you can make more off of unemployment

People don’t know that. And I like to keep it that way. So when those fat asses who do nothing lose it we can laugh at them

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