Shield Hero

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We are the human race, though many breeds, all need love and compassion ....just some need more of it than others. People who have it in abundance should share it with those who have little to none.

Media tries to divide and conquer, so that is all they show is the bad things happening in the world, if they also showed the good things and the growing number of (acts of kindness) videos, that would change their intent. If they wont do it, its up to us to start spreading something positive to counter it.

It never works out to hate them back, the instigator counts on it creating such conflict, but for me, my assignment is given by my Lord, and I honor him but matching his heart through faith in his orders. Luke 6:35-37

I always thought it was a song about plugging kids into the tv generation

I just looked up the lyrics, they dont make sense to me. (shrugs)

Welcome \o


The enslaved always bear an mark of ownership or service to their lords, it can be an ear tag/jewel to a mask/muzzle.

It's not something I'm familiar with, even searching it and reading what it's about in a wiki page, looks like something constructed and ordered by man for man. The book of Acts should be a good start to show if people are following the layout of the church or not, then you will know if its a conspiracy or grounded truth.

Well, they don't actually bring in over a trillion in taxes every year, they have to borrow from China just to pay the bills, and give stimulus to other the stimulus checks in a sense are them creating a crisis and claim coming to the rescue of everyone by overdrawing peoples credit cards to give them money.

Go to youtube and search "Acts of Kindness" it might lift up your day.

I don't really give it much thought to the wealth and lifestyles of others unless they are in need. So I don't really have an answer for that.

I do know that wealth is such a burden spiritually (Matthew 19:24), that even Jesus renounced his own, he didn't grow up poor. Joseph was well off, Jesus's first miracle performed while they where hosting a wedding for the governor. To set the example he gave up everything he had, Matthew 8:20.

How do they make faces talks from old pictures?

Someone posted Lincoln singing, I was just curious.

That tech is probably way over my head lol, I would be fun to give lolcat pictures such animation.

I will have to check that out, ty

^DinoBot activated?

Is Grimlock still strongest leader? ^^

lol I better stop before a mod comes over to knock a knot on my head XD

Think of it like this, The Creator/Father, everything exists within him, his son...our king, is an extension of him that we exist in, and the Holy Spirit Flows through all of us. satan, was a cherub who became "the accuser" who is cast from heaven with his demons. But satan is also called god (g) of this world, he tried to ooffer it to Jesus when tested in the wilderness.

Those who are fully possessed even scream at street preachers to not mess with the god of this world. FOund one of them on video.

A movie you may like, search: Book of Acts (English), on youtube. Its pretty long but not too bad job being visual while reading bible. It even shows the verses its displaying once it starts, but there is a intro before hand, so if you wish to skip that and get to the bible verses just jump ahead about 2 min.

Then the best advice I can give, if you would hear my council, is to pray to the Lord and ask Him to reveal the truth to you through scripture. Have faith.

I would not claim to know everything, and if the way I wrote it doesn't answer it or yes even if it doesnt feel right, then the best course is to always go the the Father and ask him to reveal things.

Different roles, from the same source

Use patience and the Lord's wisdom, it works well for everyone. We declare the truth with authority granted to us by Christ Jesus, but for to gather his people, our brethren We are ambassadors for the kingdom most high and our fruit should show it.. 2 Peter 1:2-4

California for the most part, is sodom and Gomorrah, but it does have Christians working hard in the trenches, don't give up on people too fast. As hard as they make it sometimes, remember its the demon talking that they gave into

We are fighting for their souls because we love them.

Search :'Prince of ISIS' planned to kill Christian, but got Saved Instead, on youtube and remember the how Paul repented in the book of Acts

Grace to You community church is in California, Pastor John MacArthur

He is fighting battles there daily to keep his church operating, and the Lord is backing him up

With all due respect No Mercy, you sound as if you are speaking with anger. And dont get me wrong, they can make anyone angry when they come to test you, but that is their purpose.

Scoffers test our Gospel Armor looking for weaknesses to exploit

Its not changing because the dividing lines are being drawn for the end

There are fewer Christians but they are still out there and need to be reached

Not a good thing to use the Holy Spirits name as a curse word

Are you a professed Christian

They why blaspheme His name?

Holy means something to His children, and is used with reverence. I would of thought you would understand this?

You are speaking like a reprobate, I think you should step back and take sometime to cool off and gather your thoughts, before you say something else you will regret.

I'm standing up for my Lord and all that he is, if you will not hear me on it, bring it before God in prayer.

Matthew 18:15-35, Jesus did say we are our brothers keepers, we have to look out for one another. I'm not saying this to condemn you, but so you are not condemned. You really need time to cool off.

It makes me think of the lesson of Jonah

No Mercy, I'm trying to point out to you, there are things that have become mainstream in this world that it is ok with, but when we become a new creature in Christ, the sin and disrespect towards God starts to bother us and we see how wretched it has become, and the hostility towards God it has made

There are movies I used to enjoy that I cant watch anymore, not just because they blaspheme his name in dialogue, but in gross violence and perversion.

If you won't hear me, I wash my hands of it and leave the matter in God's hands to deal with.

You said you where Christian, so I approached you as such

A Christian wouldnt say Jesus wasn't perfect, your demons are coming to the surface.

Jesus wasn't a rebel, he could do nothing of himself, everything he did was God's will.

Then you just called him a liar....

John 5:30
โ€œI can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

They are the rebels, God's will, kingdom and righteousness was from the beginning

Acts 14: 15โ€œMen, why are you doing this? We too are only men, human like you. We are bringing you good news that you should turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them. 16In past generations, He let all nations go their own way. 17Yet He has not left Himself without testimony to His goodness: He gives you rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts with food and gladness.โ€

This is why the bible tells us to test the fruit, test every spirit.

Excuse the interruption, but what is TYT?

Ah ok, just searched them.

Politics should be left to politicians, regular people should be concerned with their own communities so true effort is put into it

They already do, we look out for one another

We could if we had a say, at this late in the game the best we can do is damage control for our people

This is moving into deep politics, so I'm stepping back from this conversation.

Take care everyone bbl o/

Matthew 13:24-30
New King James Version
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: โ€œThe kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, โ€˜Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?โ€™ 28 He said to them, โ€˜An enemy has done this.โ€™ The servants said to him, โ€˜Do you want us then to go and gather them up?โ€™ 29 But he said, โ€˜No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, โ€œFirst gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.โ€ Our Lord sends out his people into the world, to reach those who would hear him...until they know the depths of their sin, and become convicted in their hearts from it, they wont appreciate the gift Jesus gave us. If you allow yourself to be caught up in the world, you soon begin to think like the world, and from there the hate of the world...of satan is what pours fourth. Everyone deserves that chance to hear the TRUTH and repent, but they arent going to have that chance if you judge them as unworthy in your eyes.

You have to try

I know this is off topic, but how are they doing that now?

Sorry, I mean't with all of the restictions.

SO no drivers Ed teacher or DMV guy?

Ok, excuse me for being nosey ๐Ÿ˜›

It makes me sad, because I miss fellowship...what few people live out where I do, are too afraid of this deception going on to want to visit.

I grammars atrocious, its half the reason I dont write fiction anymore.

Nice reference, when they where debating about Jesus.

Islam and the Sanhedrin still are waiting on theirs, unfortunately those who didn't accept Jesus as the Christ will end up accepting the Anti-Christ

The 2nd beast will call down fire from heaven in the sight of everyone (showing off) as one of his lying signs and wonders.

I've always wondered, that image they make that has the ability to speak, ever since watching 1984, could that be describing propaganda media?

That would make more sense.

He kept telling them who he was and what he was there for, and couldn't touch him until it was his time to be taken. I wish I was more open to the gospel when I was younger, such time wasted in my life...but it all came to me in his own time.

The Good Shepperd, will always come for his sheep. I'm still beyond thankful that he came for me, what I can't put into words for gratitude, is put into tears before my Lord.

I've been banned from 2 game forums for mentioning Jesus, and praising God. The admin of the one calls himself transgender, and even banned/fired a moderator who was Christian. The other, the moderator was overwhelmed by outrage mobs for two day for my question, until i was finally banned.

Other Canada?

Im not sure Canadas what people advertise it to be, I've seen a video of a girl who dressed up like a storm trooper for the comic shop she worked for and someone called the police because she had a blaster rifle prop, she got arrested and a bloody nose. They also, Im not sure i want to say it, but another sexual sin even the US hasnt adopted yet.

Thats why we repent of our sins, so when a preacher is sent out he's not a hypocrate.

Its automatically assumed that Im a bigot and a long list of -phobes, and now even a trump supporter for being Christian

Once they get going, they start foaming at the mouth

I realize I'm not a lot of things, and I could probably do a lot better at others, but the deflection and projection of someone in a rage can get irritating sometimes. Its not always easy to have patience, that takes prayer and time to recover with the Lord

Thats where we differ, even If I can't reach them, I don't want to go down to that level, because I want people to see Im still approachable. If they have a change of heart, need help or just someone to listen to them...I can love my neighbor as myself.


Aftr spending time teaching more, he was taken up in a cloud

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

We are all born into sin, it's not a temptation of God, but a burden of the knowledge of good and evil put upon us from the serpent

ROmans chapter 1: 19-32, speaks of it. And why it has come about.

Dont let it frustrate you, this test can be overcome

God made us perfect, but once the knowledge of good and evil cursed us, we are now aware of how to commit sin. There are a lot of sins, none of them where given to you from God, but knowing what satan is tempting you with, he will provide a way to overcome the temptations

Many have come to the Lord in tears feeling broken, its a right of passage on our way to salvation. It starts with knowing our sins are worthy of death and evil, and wanting to be set free from such bondage....the Lord has given us his Holy Spirit to help, and the Word as guidance.

Never feel like a strnger among your bretheren ether, we all come bearing thigns we need to overcome and strengthen each other in the struggle

typos ^^;

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