
Discord ID: 552870879411830784

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Bruv he was a democratic socialist

imo he hated authoritarianism of all kinds

Based Bernie

my man you shouldn't associate yourself with nazis

That poster is made by nazis like any other anti-coomie poster would fit far better

some people will think you're a nazi for it

Bolshevism Without Its Mask" - (1939) Nazi Party Anti-Communist Anti-Semetic Poster


yeah it's made by nazius

it says Bolshevism Without Its Mask

which is sad

Ah, yes Wikipedia this is Mikhail Gorbachev right here


"1920" "Europe hated jews" who could've thought?

Even in the poster communism is shown as jewish as the star of david is on it

Says enough

Probably a liberal but fuck coomies


what happened?

what kind of coomies are these?

Aren't they supposed to be for equality and shit?

may i ask what you mean by multi-reddit?

POV: You haven't felt the warmth of a woman



what the fuck

what do they mean

POV: You haven't felt the warmth of a woman

what no pussy does to a mtf


its a joke

you're takin it to seriuosly

There is no meme this is how someone in the early 70s envisioned 2020


why couldn't reality look like this smh

what did you expect from AntiHateCommunities

though like seriously he even clarified this is meant towards the ccp not the chinese people

aight you need rank 2 to get to competetive racism

Sadly im a big cringe ath*ist ๐Ÿ˜”

cause im an atheist



almost lost my cool there

my brain rn

i mean seeing his beliefs i'd not be to suprised tbh

well im not an expert of economics but i heard that in went to shit cause it was reliant on war aparently

Bro are you calling loli culture?


being honest imo anarchism is impossible unless you manage to somehow convince everyone to work toghever otherwise in the span of a week some people will form a new state



okay so if i shot someone in the head i'd be morally right cause he didn't experience pain since he died in less than a second

ancap moment

okay so if i shot someone in the head i'd be morally right cause he didn't experience pain since he died in less than a second? am i understanding you correctly?

"No that violates the NAP Morals are kinda just you know Ehhhh" so wait morals are bad but laws are not?

difference is?

that's only partially the reason though

Bruh this retarded coomie asked if i was polish cause i said i hate the soviet union while he was practically repeating what lenin said and when i said im lithuanian in response he said this


im telling you these coomies are braindead

"Nah trust me it was better for you back then"

my parents say that it wasn't even good it felt like rubbing rubber on your ass

same here like 90% of the buildings still are from the soviet era

Like this is a pic made a few years ago



like this ss?


we don't really talk about it but imo it was a tragedy that it even existed

i mean not suprised why would hitler want "subhuman" battalions

haven't met any yet but if they do exist they're probably either old people or just retards from the countryside cause no one out of the youth likes the nazis, the youth is very liberal actually

yeah as i said old people

happilly no one out of my family is like that


Correct Version




you scared or something? almost 30 mins have passed yet i don't see it

fuck you

i hate you

but i have the power of block so i dont have to see it anymore


why does chungus twerk even exist

i literally searched up big chungus on gif and found it

i didn't even go that far

edubuku i hate you

finally that ancap loli fan got banned

seriuosly tho

capitalists raiding communist discords is just as stupid as communists raiding this one

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