Discord ID: 301102227391512576
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sure I will get vet, my friend keeps telling me to. what do I do?
I also can't join that channel. I got shit to do anyway so I'll vet later
how long does this take? I dpon't have too much time
hey I'm about to go drive over to the gf's and it's a bit of a ride. gimme 15 minutes and I'll do this while driivng, if that's alright
Kk im on discord mobile in car, joining voice. Which channel?
you know how you know that colonialism is actually good
colonialism: White people creating white institutions in brown countries
now all the brown people in brown countries are trying to get into white countries so as to enjoy white institutions
how is it that white institutions for brown people are evil in africa but magically good in europe
or, maximal charity: The idea is good, the specific implementors were bad, but now we have good implementors. Past-colonialism bad, present-colonialism good
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