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No honey needed then .

2018-11-16 08:43:46 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Ok going to settings.

I am here

might as well wrap a log in em

Mannn I'm old. I remember those jackets lol

@Classylady Lee Stranahan submits "How many times did she use the .gov site as secretary of state?" The answer came up as very easy... Never. Interesting factoid, that. Here is some sauce... About 2:35 on the counter. Its an interesting vid.

Raw interview . Got to turn it up. Might be some name drops for you guys...

Good morning ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ peeps ! I got a thing on another site on what is Trump doing to drain the swamp. Can anybody direct me to the article on putting a real persons name behind companies? My browser wont pull it or its so deep in the results its still alluding.

link is 404. @pocketangel3

When one thinks in higher elevation. Global deepstate vs national deepstate and combines constitution as written today... What was written into the national constitution??? Think international corps which is military corps/contractors too . Thus, all this globalist legalism as it was written into the constitution. The only way to get the country back is that constitution... Right now our constitution is global.

Money to an entity is its voice = Globalism. What is a lobbyist with no voice but money = globalist. Why? Because money is worldwide, right?

What is yachting @316 Exposure

Good morning patriots๐Ÿ˜€ โ˜• ๐Ÿฉ

I type with elbows so bear with me as I type a paragraph, lol

What??? โ˜

So, before the paragraph , i hope you guys are doing well and family too.

Was doing some down time in netflix. A child says something profound to me. They are watching T.V. and the mother is not getting the movie and the child says (paraphrasing with some descriptors) "you are watching logically when it is emotional based and then you get it". That was profound. What is a meme?

Pictures , movies and vids seek the "human" in us . We got a lot of choice of info... platforms. Written language uses logical thinking parameters . Memes, movies and vids use emotional thinking. I believe this is the area of discord.

Trying to redpill the T.V. watchers

These , have no clue

You guys know this of course.

The area of discord is ...device, right?

T.V. watcher vs computer?

or, logical thinker vs emotional thinker?

Thus, the meme.

Lol, what pays the bills for said police to support their children? Its not an optics matter really.

They are entity


Their name is Singer, G.E. etc....

and hide behind it

make laws for it

to escape law upon "their" flesh.

Lets pray it is so...


yeah it tends to make us multi capable .

Or ADD, lol

read a book !?.



TRUMP... I am your mother, lol.

Remember what Trump does...

A lot of that

Sup Rusty... Keepen the humor flyen?

yes sir

well share the link @Agent 34 so I can read and ๐Ÿค” on it.

nope, but if ya got that link , I will take it from there.

ya got to spill it ? dm me if it is offensive and why @Fremp ?

@Fremp o kay so its offensive..

got it sir.

OK . agreed.

Truth...The new hate language ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Nice spread !!! @tattered flag

I will pack...

want to go too.

r we there yet " " " "


Yes sir @Quest Truth.. the new hate language.

me to @Fremp

however, will get a link off of his braodcast and research myself.

never leave a link unchecked.

no matter its source.




That โ˜

is truth.


nice ,lol

Do you remember back in the day those T shirts with little "movie" clips on them @ส™ษชษดแด€ส€ส แด€ษขแด‡ษดแด›๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿฆ‹ which could be made into meme shirts today.

market that buddy

When ya become a trillionair @ส™ษชษดแด€ส€ส แด€ษขแด‡ษดแด›๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿฆ‹ throw nickel at shadowboxer, lol.

bring that meme back, @Smiley lmao

got PSB running

The man that controls the puppet ...

Is he is designation 3 of 91? borg meme.

nice catch @Smiley

good catch trusty

Schumer - Albany, NY Phone: (518) 431-4070 New York, NY Phone: (212) 486-4430 Syracuse, NY Phone: (315) 423-5471 Pelosi - San Francisco, CA phone: (415) 556-4862 Washington, DC phone: (202) 225-4965

Is shareblue still a site, lol. that post would do nicely for a melt down @Mighty phine

good morning patriot fam...โ˜•

Saw a satire meme here and should have copied it but did not. The meme said (paraphrasing) just move the wall to mexico for foreign aid funds.

Hi Sara

Creepazoid robots... Report to tha Gitmo.

Ok. Anyone remember that propaganda bill to the American people Oh-bummer abolished? This opened up corporations like cadaver (but not limited too) for production and/or fake bodies in a false flag scenario. Remember CNN getting caught "producing" (like a movie) the Modern Islamic Women being persecuted.

has this bill been looked at for re-enstatement?

It would take care of disinformation when applied to the private sector too, right?

The candy man can๐ŸŽต He makes the world feel good ๐ŸŽถ

Since 1979 (Jimmy Carter) implemented the national security initiative. To make this short it hands over power to a King/President.

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