
Discord ID: 280424011735760896

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I'm far from an AnCap, just a Right-libertarian, but I can assure you that you aren't alt-right

Wouldn't you need a government to have a democracy?

At least some form of one?

To an extent, Scorafent is right.

That's because r/enoughcommiespam is more social-democrat oriented

Unlike r/fragilecommunism, where as long as you hate communism, you're welcome

But then again, r/fragilecommunism is filled to the brim with Right-libertarians and Conservatives

Yeah, I personally believe this as well.

Even in Wikipedia, it calls us a "right to far-right movement"

I'm a basic Right-libertarian

Oh whoops

"Fascist" and "Nazi" has completely lost meaning at this point

I've never seen Trump supporters be so braindead before than now

I used to be one until this Covid shit happened

But the reason the magatards did it was fucking stupid

I've been one since 2016, but it wasn't until 2020, when slowly became more Libertarian over time

I've kinda just slowed down with my political shift after September 2020

Right-Libertarian is probably what would describe my views best

For all the LibRights to stand together?

You've definitely got a point

Yeah, I definitely respect you Anarcho-Capitalists, but I just couldn't see the ideology working in the end

Unlike the Communists

If we all have a common goal, wouldn't it be important to bring in even more people who have similar views than us, even if they aren't LibRight?

Like maybe the LibLefts or AuthRights?

Well then who would be better to stand by?

Lib-unity or Right-unity?

You got a point. My father is a Trump supporter, and he told me I'm selling out to the "socialist left" for having different views than him on social issues

I fucking can't stand Bernie Sanders's views

Bruh what

Capitalism rewards innovation, brother.


I mean like, fuck, in the USA, there's only two companies who dominate the soda industry.

I don't think he's the worst, he was okay, but definitely far from the best

We've had way worse

Remember how many drone strikes that fucker did?

My father calls himself "Libertarian" yet he thinks all Muslims are terrorists who deserve to be watched over by the government if they aren't because that's the "patriotic thing to do"

He says Mexicans should do the same thing, despite adopting TWO MEXICAN KIDS if you include me


To be honest, I gotta agree with the magatards on the censorship shit. Even if their views are total shit, they still have the right to free speech

As much as I hate siding with them on issues that aren't economic, they're right in this situation

Yeah. If it was them that was being censored, they'd call it fascism

Yeah, and now all the sudden it's a role reversal. The left want the capitol hill rioters arrested, and now the right is all anti-police

What the fuck happened here?

How the fuck does someone change sides so fast?

Because they think THEY are the REAL Libertarians

Yeah, like, what the hell is the problem with them adopting children?

Who gives a shit?

I mean I think the Republicans, or the younger ones, are slowly accepting things that most progressives accept, but the old ones, absolutely not

Every single Republican boomer I've ever seen has always stared at me whenever I'm minding my own business

I was calling one of my friends (who family is Jewish and supports Trump), and her dad came into her room, and asked who she was talking to, and she said my name. Then, he got all pissed saying "I don't want you talking to those border hoppers!", and she abruptly ends the call when her dad is chewing her out.


To be fair, the dad was drunk as shit when he said that, but that's not an excuse

I don't hate the right, but I absolutely do deal with Hispanophobia constantly

Most people I know support Trump, and they all aren't what I'd call racist, but I definitely know plenty who are

One of my friends who is raised under a hardcore Trump supporting family hates homosexuals

I complained to him one time saying there's no reason to add black and brown to the LGBT flag, because those are races, not skin tones, and he responded saying "why aren't we burning down their flags already and tying those faggots up to the trees and killing them already!"

Tankies are some of the worst people I've ever met

I've seen some dude identify as a "Libertarian Communist"

Where is the fucking liberty in Communism? I've been searching for hours, and I can't find it.

Oh boy...

That person actually said that multiple times, specifically about the USSR. Yeah, tell that to the guy who had half of their stepfamily executed under Stalin's rule.

That's such an understatement, there some of the stupidest fucking people I've ever met

Am I based enough?

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