
Discord ID: 412702021477597204

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hello? why do i feel like i'm 10yrs LATE to the party

............ ugh. got to do some tutorials on discord. just one hot mess

hello. is this where i start moving up the ladder toward getting on "freedom rings"? thx

2018-08-30 02:14:19 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #the-chapel-text]  

F-A-I-T-H..... not "religion"...... and a relationship with a loving God and Savior


HOW do i figure out how to get my YT livestream chat comments to show-up??? somehow i think reed walker banned me/ THX

PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME..... HOW do i figure out how to get my YT livestream chat comments to show-up??? i can type and enter, but they don't show-up on the livestream scroll. somehow i think reed walker banned me/ THX๐Ÿ™

PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME..... HOW do i figure out how to get my YT livestream chat comments to show-up??? i can type and enter, but they don't show-up on the livestream scroll and NO mods see/respond. somehow i think reed walker banned me/ THX๐Ÿ™

@Coach Clay .... thx. it's frustrating. i think i was 'REEDED' when i gave him some junk about being an ***hat to a fellow chatter. (MAN, am i glad he's goooonne?) ๐Ÿ‘Œ

patriotic americans are COMPLETELY behind THIS president.
tell them to GO HOME sir


hey congress.... BUILD THE DAMN WALL !!!
YOU work for US (at least for the near future)
DO YOUR JOBS... or we WILL find some who will.


who are we kidding............... it is HI-LAR-I-OUS !!!
๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚


PLEASE TAKE A FEW MOMENTS AND READ THIS WSJ ARTICLE it's a GREAT explanation at WHY the left has NO CLUE why POTUS is winning over the hearts and minds of the AVERAGE AMERICAN.

... some are more aware of this than others right now.
but wait.....


it's "habbening"....


how unfortunate.
guess this kind of confusion and frustration will happen from time to time.
hunker down and wait out the storm is the most transparent way to run a NEW kind of news org....
got it ๐Ÿ‘Œ

what does BACFA stand for?????

so there's a 'BACFA'..... and a 'BACFA Backup'?????
how does THAT work?

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