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The only two words that I demand we have back are: Merry Christmas . Being happy to say it all happy and full of light and love without getting looks from the devil incarnate and made to feel as though we are the scum on the bottom of every pair of liberal shoes

Oh okay well here is a quater call someone who cares:-p

I've been in SL since 2006 - that is what I live stream on my YT


It helps with my PTSD, I build mostly - and people seem to like watching me build

We very well could have

Second Life is a Virtual World

it is not a game - it is a Virtual World - when it was first released in 2003 it was labeled as a social experitment - again, it is not a game, it is a Virtual world that has been around for like 15 years

You can build, you can socialize, you can do whatever it is you want - really in SL anything is possible - you can fly, you can drive, you can swim, you can do anything

Just... not be a douche cause there is enough of that on the Internet

Oh, well okay that is your lesson on Second Life for the day then! :-p

I don't express my political views in Second Life, because.... too many rivers of blue

Whoot! I just witnessed a blue turn red on my feed!

it's easy to get lost in a forest when one doesn't have the heart to find a destination

Oooooo that makes you an Ancient!!! /me attempts to grab all the star dust! :-p

Mine is Feb 10th 2006

Well if you need help or whatever, hit me up and I'll guide you into the 'modern' age

Having the ability to say the pledge of alligence very morning before class would be a good start too... wait... we used to have that... so I'll add: to have that again

Rememeber enclyopedia door to door salesman?

Not easy to read means a stimulating mental activity ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

We did in elementary and middle school but they had phased all that out by the time I graudated Highschool in '94

No about the sperm stuff

Did something happen in the last couple of hours? My feed is blowing up with talk of civil war and debates if we are in one currently or will be soon?

Well going by the tone of these tweets, I am guessing that some news person may have spouted it on MSM

Fun Fact for you - The Appalachian accent is the closet descendant to Shakespearean tongue

I took Shakespearean Studies in college - so yes it's true:)

Morning @Mixy

I made that and have been tweeting it on my feed

It was funny, @Mixxy

brb - need coffee!

I bring coffee for everyone! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I can't help my accent:/

I'm in TN - I think our accents are thicker than ya'lls

@Texas Nick I am spiritual. Reglion has no meaning to me really. I accept it for what it is, a label and a way to demonstrate how one 'believes'

@Texas Nick Yup, there is Faith and there is belief ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I did not say I do not have Faith in a God or a higher power - we all call that higher power, the Creator a different name - as well as our own Faiths or way of Faith differ

No, I'm not a Buddist either, btw

No it's not strange - to not believe that other intelligent life exist -somewhere- in our Universe or the Multiverse would be a high folly and no, not a solar warden believer

You aren't, Texas

@Texas Nick You haven't been in the right places then maybe

@Texas Nick I know of where your 'community' can be found enough to expose you to others

I know quite a few SBC that aren't threatened with the 'aliens' - because they had to come from somewhere as well, right?

If I was God, I would have gotten bored if I just created Humans so.......

There are two Mods/Hosts on PSB that I think you should have a listen too - they are the two Aussies we have: one is Dumpster Truffles and the other one is Kaz

@Texas Nick I'll say this, Dumpster, for example has told us that he has struggled between his Faith and the 'aliens' and of the history before us; however, that hasn't made him loose his Faith but at the same time, his Faith hasn't held him back either

@Texas Nick Oh it isn't about 'there is no God' - regardless of whatever happens or comes to light - there will -always- be a God. One could be openminded about something like... that mice are the true rulers, but that doesn't change the fact that there is a Higher Power

@RedCar In regards to Q's drop on that Q&A - I think the reason as to why he -chose- to answer those type of questions is to get us -used- to realising, that there will be things revealed possibly that we would never have fathom - a stress test of sorts

I couldn't resist taking this screen shot when Choctaw froze eariler in the week:)

Need more coffee - brb

I'm back with coffee!!

@WeeOne Is there a video of that? I wanna hear all that!

Always welcome @Texas Nick

@WeeOne I clicked on it and I'm not getting the video just a black box

that makes us share common interests that are important to us as individuals

I got it to work, but had to use my Epic browser instead of Opera that I normally use

mutting to listen to his verbal exchange

@Mixy the reason why the other side dude said what he did in regard to calling us the 'crime party' - it's because they often use their sneaky tricks to put the crimes on us by their evil ways - Heck y eah, Dan Bongino!

'Just because you watched Animal House 20 years ago...' hahahahahahahaha

Party Time!

I wonder if HARP did that @WeeOne

Nothing wrong with the tin foil hat!

@dumpster ! Morning! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@SlipperyRock Where is the link? I mean... I just want to see that guy in video action so I can see if the Q pin is there or not

@dumpster When are you and Kaz on again?

@dumpster Oh goodie! I look forward to seeing your take on Richard C Hoagland when you get around to it:) whoohoo Dumpster and Kaz - yay!

@Mixy It's too early for me to confuse me

but you did it - they were on last night my time?

There needs to be a google doc of the times for all the shows and hosts on PBS or is there already?

Oh goodness, Mixy - that involves math!! I'm in EST:-p

It's 07:20

Yes - the times I know just since they changed their days, it's knocked me off

okay @Mixy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Yes @dumpster is right it was the Harvest Festival

The security gaurd that was on The Ellen Show


@Texas Nick He is holding a gun whilst wearing flip flops..... seriously?

Morning, @V77

I wonder if that is being doing to Elon to make him go broke and not be able to afford his space ideas?


@MrScabbyUnderpantsEsq Laughing at voice taking the piss outta my 'conversitive gothness'

@Texas Nick The black shirts would have to have I goth for TRUMP - in read letters

The millineals don't understand True Goth me thinks


We moved by choice you simply pointed it out @retiredDep of which we thank you for:)

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