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What you think the big issues are? My issues may be very different from yours...

I see things very differently from many people...

People lol


Good luck @Ledzep

Hope all goes well ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Great find @frmgrl ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Hi @TrumpSandbox! Thank you and hope you have a wonderful afternoon too ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Talk soon

This shows Canada's Parlimentary System. Still showing the Queen right at the top.

Wow I have a visitor and I seemed to miss a ton!!! Just trying to catch up!

Thank you @Ledzep Lots of happenings tonight it seems!

I have too @Ledzep. He has always seemed like a straight shooter to me... I just saw all of this so trying to figure out what that post means. Was Q trying to say that that poster failed? Or Sessions and all listed?

Well I guess I should get my stuff done early so I can be around tonight. Talk to you soon!

Can't wait! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

How is everyone tonight?

Great thank you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I've got too many things going on here. Trying to watch 3 things at once.

I think I will stick with Hannity until Mr. Dilley comes on. What is everyone looking into or watching this evening?

Yes! only going to get bigger ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

William Campbell is on Hannity if anyone is interested. Regarding U1

Clearly not the State of the Union... but a good feed non the less.

Good morning everyone!

Thank you for all the morning links to watch and read with my coffee :-)

Did anyone stay up last night to Listen to Fillet on Soapbox? It was really good!

I will check into her :-) Thank you @WeeOne

Hahahaha. I wish it felt more like spring. it is cold here today.

I miss gardening... even weeding is one of my favourite things! I have an Economics tests today. So my spring cleaning is planned for this weekend. I'm hoping it will be nice out!

That's awesome @WeeOne. We are in a place at the moment so I grow what I can inside. I love working in my mother in laws garden though. That's where we get our veggies and herbs from.

Wow that is awesome! Does it take long per flower? To make the Shabby Chic ones I mean?

I love all things crafting. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Thank you @WeeOne. I feel the same with my candles sometimes. Especially testing.

Thank you and best of luck with spring cleaning @WeeOne Talk soon!

Good Morning @frmgrl ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I'm great thank you @frmgrl How are you? Enjoying your coffee? I need a refill I think brb.

Did anyone see this?

Chai tea is so good ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I like Jasmine Green Tea but not just regular Green.

I agree! I used to make them all the time when I worked in a cafe. The frothed milk makes it that much better ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Looking more into the Pope thing now @Goose

I found this so far....

Trying to find some articles.

I just found this... "Trudeau thanked Stephen Bronfman, a major party fundraiser and well-known businessman and financier"

The Brofmans seem to like to donate to all sorts of shady characters... I was just reading about his sister maybe? donating to Keith Ranier

I will look into the links you just posted now @frmgrl

Wow... I didn't like Harper at all, and always wondered how the liberal vote was so high. Esspecially in BC where I though it would be of a NDP win... now I know why...

I wish more people (like us) would think for themselves instead of being led by groups like this.

Hearing all of this... I want to vote even less...that may sound brutal to some... but why keep playing the game when it is clearly rigged?

Thank you @frmgrl Talk to you soon!

Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday!!!

I've wondered that as well... I had to take a break from everything yesterday but am back :-) Hopfully more will join us today.

I just have to find my headphones just a sec.. .

I am really glad that there is push back from the conservatives against the liberals and Trudeau, however I hope this does not push for another majority government. Does anyone else feel like a marjority government may not be the best thing for us to get things done? While our goverment is like it is I mean... this 11 cent "carbon tax", our National Anthem changing... Watching some of those videos you posted @TrumpSandbox has me a bit fired up lol

Oops it was @WeeOne that posted those...

I was wondering about making maybe a more balanced house? I have no idea how most things can be done... does anyone have any ideas or thoughts in having a majority government vs minority government vs balanced government?

Good morning and happy Easter everyone!

We currently have a majority @WeeOne ... it is not helping us... say we elect a majority conservative government... will they make our country great again? We the people can but I have little faith that any majority government will do right by us. With the Queen still at the head of the table... it will continue on the way it has. What chance do we really have?

Good Morning ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Have you seen the video of Trudeau's Eulogy to his father? Creepy is one word for it lol I have never gotten over the story of Santa and the North Pole.... WTF are they doing up there?

Thank you for sharing @EagerBeaver I will look into that... That was one of my unasnwered questions regarding the Brofman family...

I would love to hear your thoughts on that after you hear the story...

That I have done... @EagerBeaver those people make me sick ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Very interesting point

This MK Ultra bs makes my blood boil....

The Sleep room was such an eye opener too...

Yes I was listening and reading at the same time... It is scary what they have done to people and have got away with it for so long... So many people knew and did nothing. I will find a link for you for The Sleep Room.

Long and very disturbing but a very good movie

You're wellcome!

Enjoy?! lol Hard to really say that with the topic at hand lmao...

I retweeted your tweet you posted this morning @frmgrl ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Welcome @PolarBear @Hickboy @Deleted User !!! I am out and about for a little bit but will be around in about an hour or so.

Hello everyone! I am CandleLady and this journey started in 2012 for me... I have been researchng non stop since. I joined discord just recently, and found this board listening to 24/7. I can dig into all different areas, so researching is a strong suit for me. I am not an expert in any specific area (except maybe candles ;-) ), however can talk about just about everything. I have always loved history and psychology and putting puzzles together and I will do whatever I can to help our great country be what is should have been all along. Looking forward to working with all of you!

2018-04-02 17:15:55 UTC [Canadian Patriots #announcements]  

Already tuned in ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I couldn't believe it when I first heard her recording. I worked for years around Laurier and it wasn't this bad... it so sad to see...

Who do you think will go down first?

It really is only a matter of time... Did you get to watch the Season Premier yet?

Didn't they? I have now watched it more than once hahaha.

I have exempt both of my children from vaccines. My son has a genetic condition call 22q11 Deletion syndrome, so his doctor exempted him due to this, I sadly had both vaccinated as young babies, which for my son I know changed him at 18 months. He was talking before that, then after those shots regressed and made more sounds than words. I wish I knew when I had each of my children what I know now... things may have been very different.

My son was only diagnosed with this genetic condition when he was 10. He always had anomolies, including a polycystic kidney since birth, however, knowing has that helped to put some of his medical anomolies together like a puzzle.

I am nervous about getting the rest of us tested not knowing what they will do with our DNA.

So I will never know if this just happened as a fluke, or if myself or his father passed it down genetically.

Isn't it sad that I can't trust the system enough to get the answers I need for my family and my sons future family?

You are absolutely right @frmgrl ! It is a bit scary, however, my son was blessed with some very special gifts. He is my greatest teacher so that has always given me hope for his future โค

I am so greatful for this community. I have been silent for years and years and am so very greatful to feel like I have a voice again! Thank you all for that! โค

For anyone listening to 24/7 I get chills everytime I hear the song Thunder now hahaha

Thank you President Donald J Trump โค

Also... my son is who guided me to leave the "system" and make him and being a mom my priority. I wouldn't have my business without him ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I was just arguing with my mom about the change to our anthem. She says "times are changing so why does it matter?" I said I wonder what you WW2 Vet father would think about that? lol


I do yes thank you @frmgrl. He is also my greatest challenge lol. He is just like me and very passionate lol

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