Discord ID: 547994978089959434

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Russian times

Or re tweeted ng

Yes... Shows it was re tweeted

I would assume all the developers could ID these accounts however they want to... With Russian flags or whatever. It's like fusion GPS inspecting HRC's server NOT the FBI....

Good night

A lean mean meme machine.

@Semper Fi! - Q

What's your sign...

Watch your corn hole...

Just sayin'

48 is the new 20

Cher did.... Turned back time...

That old ass beeotch

43 is prime

41 is prime too

42 not prime

I don't think that was a nursury rhyme...

He should have said, "how long have you had it...?"

Had what?


17 is Prime

Good night all... I will be listening in while I fall asleep. Good luck in your search.

Hope all is well...

@Jayde this may help if you haven't already seen it....

Thanks...I did get some rest. I hope you slept well too. It was a long night.

Crowd strike inspecting the DNC server is like the Russian Bot 68 group identifying Twitter accounts as bots and believing them... Hahaha

Yes, it is all the many faces of the Cabal... One of which is the DNC itself along with the DOJ, FBI, Social Media, and corporations tied together....

@Karl XII
It happened very organically... Wasn't really planned.

Yes...and it went from slow speed to fast to slow to stopped back to fast. All unplanned but very organic...

Yes, very fun... Sort of started with the plane crash. We all got into research mode really quick.

We tied many people and organisation's to the DNC. Organisation's such as the Aspen Group, Chertoff, Podesta etc... All. Connected to Hamilton 86 and media pieces by assets in the media

We miss you too...

Combine Ebay, Twitter, Amazon, Chertoff Group, Aspen Institute, YouTube, Facebook, wApo, Huffpo, msm, Hollywood, music industry, Google... All led by cabal assets. Also include DOJ, FBI, CIA, Intelligence community all around the globe different countries... And of course the fed reserve...last night we had a glimpse of the strings that tie them all together... This is the short version.

Yes, not surprised but we actually got to see how they all are put together and connected.... Needs more research and tieing of loose ends but a first look at it all from 50k view

Business plan? Proforma? Feesibility study? Other investors?

I have to mute... I can't think. Good luck to you sir... We are a research arm of the bigger group. Thanks for your imput though... Wish you the best. We are never against a censorship free platform.

Jumping in shower... Listening in though.

Good research is only as good as your sources. Inability to investigate all possible sources limits the quality of the research. Dismissing counter arguments or sources is like researching in an echo chamber... Opposing research is beneficial in this way. Researching to only fit a position is worthless... Just my opinion. Please excuse any miss spellings. Typing in shower with no glasses... Haha

Were we able to tie the Payseut's to the Hamilton 68 group last night with the "Little Sisters" group? Not to be confused with "Big Brother"... Hahaha

Is anyone talking or have I been muted somehow? I haven't heard anything in about an hour or so... Just checking...

It's a miricle... I can hear

They should allow them to come back... Then arrest them for treason... Hababa

Brillanon. Ay have been the other paralegal

Second post was 2886

First post today was 2885...just saying

Hollywood is a giant trafficking network. Bring in kids and the agents try to groom them and take advantage of them while young. Once the child actors or potential child actors perform an act and cross the line... They are then passed up to the next level. That would be the directors and then studio heads. It is a vicious cycle and almost all are brought on at a young age, born into it, are forced by parents, or manipulated by other stars. This is how it works. If your not willing to "ply the game" you will not advance in Hollywood. So, all in Hollywood are "in" on the process.

I am not sure... But it sounds like Miss Kathy has a good insight on his father. It is a very nepotistic organisation...Hollywood. People are either keeping the secret or forced out or silenced... I. E. Red tie hangings... How Many have there been. Unfortunately, this means the majority of actors and actresses we enjoy are, wittingly or not, in the know... Compromised for lack of a better word. Revisit Kevin Spacey's veiled threat on his YouTube thing he did.

What was your question about 2882?


Going to grab some grub...I'll be listening in though.

Sounds like her comms are not working

Houston, I have a problem... Any ideas anyone. Non fixable I believe...

It puts its finger on the button....

@Magnify โœ Q ๐Ÿ‘‰MAGA-KAG
Is it possible to screen shot instructions on how to go around any possible blocks they create? It may be more difficult than I am thinking and if that is the case it may not be feesible time wise.

@Magnify โœ Q ๐Ÿ‘‰MAGA-KAG
Got it Thanks.... I'll look into it if need be. Good info though... Thanks.

@Pawhuska @SighOperator
So funny you guys were just talking about that... I'm waiting on check at restraunt and they are playing Come Together as you were discussing... Hmmm

Very good... I should be on my soon...

Just got back from dinner and grocery store. Lost connection but had to wait on email to sign back on... Hahaha. Here now. How are you feeling?

HRC lier's truth... "it's not a lie if YOU believe it"...


Germany was stripped of soooo much after WW1

Took all of Germany's nationalist fervor from them... Like a big open palm bitch slap to all Germans after WW1... Hitler gave it back and restored German pride...he just took it too far... One could argue Hitler's hatred for Jews stemmed from what he felt the Bankers who robbed Germany after ww1 were all Jews... Just a point...

So, was Q asking if the 16 year plan to destroy America was the continuation of WWII... Q asked did we really win WWII?

Q, in some ways is like Santa Clause... We are Q. Think about it... Who brings the gifts...who sees all..

Q is just getting us to remember that... WE really are Q...just like WE are Santa Clause... Just a simple analogy.


Istambul is not Constantinople...

It's a song I think haha

Is it like Boys Town and the Larry King guy?

The Frankfurt School?

Is that Bezos


I lost signal and missed about 30 mins

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