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@SighOperator saw that, saved it immediately loll

agree 100% bacfa

another good follow if you're on twitter: https://twitter.com/prayingmedic

CREDIT: @Solmemes1




Anderson Vanderbilt

Obama = puppet

23 and me founder Anne Wojcicki is married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin

"I will splinter the CIA up into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the wind." - John F Kennedy







Meanwhile, at the Vatican.....


how many times has Q mentioned GOOD vs. EVIL?

That goes to all religions inherently

You won't miss it @Badgergirl i promise

brb....gotta let dog out

brb y'all

hello to all and to all hello

been slow news week no?

where's the sarcasm font?

@Galifornia I am eager to see if the balloon(s) fly or not...I'm sure that's what MSM is waiting on

No matter what is discussed...it could be world-changing...and MSM will be 24/7 Trump/Sadiq balloons

@Galifornia Sadiq gave approval for "protesters" to fly trump balloon...so others started campaign to fly Sadiq baby balloon...crazy stuff lol

go on crowdfunder...ya lost me, sorry! lol

@gavin giant saw that on twitter earlier...my suggestion was to give Sadiq balloon a scimitar

@gavin giant donated to Flynn, to Couch/seth rich & to Trump2020...the balloon is too low on priority list but if they add scimitar, I might have to squeeze it in lol

Alcohol & I go way back

@Dina lesson 1...don't be intimidated...they're not as scary as you think. You'll wonder what took you so long actually

@Deleted User agree 100%...it is step 1 of ending EU/attack on globalist/newworldorder

@dumpster there are several stories where bath salts have made people manic and couple (in miami??) where users have bitten victims faces off

those cans of compressed air have solvents like toluene in them....people that do it are getting 'high' by killing brain cells en masse...crazy stuff

hello to all and to all hello

As pacifically as you can, what did y'all think of today's events?

@Page Lake Murray area

@Page very cool...I went to USC, moved away for a while & came back..live in Chapin now ๐Ÿ‘

if nothing else, the Democrats gave us a lot of new words today....my favorites are pacifically & Strew-zack

@Page Nice! Go Cocks! ๐Ÿค™

I'd like to know how many sticky notes Strzok collected today & what was on 'em

It doesn't take a moral authority to be President...that's what the Electoral College is for

The Dems have a guy on the committee who honestly thought Guam could capsize if we sent another 8,000 marines there.

@Ladyhawktlc That's a face only Lisa Page can love...

I don't believe them to be lovers either...just making a bad joke lol

I thought Lisa Page was DOJ lawyer...???

Has anyone asked if he & Page have been in contact recently?

if I had a dollar for every instance of duper's delight on Strzok today...I'd have more money than Trump

well maybe not that much, but a lot

Duper's delight - involuntary smile by someone lying

Wish someone would ask if he & Page are still text-buddies to this day or when was the last time they conversed via text

Who was the Dim earlier today who wanted to give him a f'n Purple Heart?

Deeply regret getting caught

Will Page be under oath in her interview thing tomorrow if she does show up?

Was Page one of the FBI attorneys in the HRC interview?

@MrT That's what I thought...everyone else saying she was FBI...i've thought all along she was DOJ attorney

I thought that was the huge conflict

WHen he looks straight up like that....not searching memory, searching through his story as what to say

@MrT thx

@Page Yes, yes he has

lemme check my sticky nontes


Duper's delight again

So now we're Smelly Deplorable Hillbillies?

why does Sheila Jackson Lee keep her spare tire on the back of her head like that? ๐Ÿค”

I dunno...looks like a spare tire to me

@Page Yes, and red scarves

Strzok was not pacific enough today

@Page I been saying that all day, why no one ask if he & Page as still in daily contact via text?

@Deleted User In my mind, that is exactly why she didn't show yesterday...it would have given them ammo to use against strzok today

@bacfa AND she can now use what was said/not said today to plan a strategy for tomorrow

a long time

I'm a glass half-full person...at least the ?'s Strzok had to answer were under oath so if we are to believe those who say "we have it all"...he's pretty much already guilty of perjury & Jordan painted him into a box with the Simpson/GPS line of questioning, among others

Creepy to say the least...this is HUBRIS


@American Patriot 1776 way I understand it, if he were to plead the 5th, he has to do it from the outset and can answer no questions...cannot pick & choose. But if advised by FBI attorneys that he cannot because it might harm an ongoing investigation, he can hide behind that just as effectively without invoking 5A

You can't pick and choose what questions to answer when pleading the 5th....you have to do it from the jump and stick to it...we learned this via Lois Lerner

New Garrison


@B ั”โ„“โ„“ฮฑ veritร  I got it on Twitter...would have to go back to see who RT'd it or whatever

@B ั”โ„“โ„“ฮฑ veritร  ditto...we had some fun the other night trying to decode all the intricacies in his work....he's a stable genius ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

The absurdity of that picture stunt tho...Manafort was plant, original guilty plea was to something he did YEARS ago with Podesta amiright?...we all know Flynn was railroaded...Poopadopolous was plant, outed early and booted.....13 indictments were Russians who will never be extradited and they did what...? a few hundred followers on Fakebook? the whole thing is a shitshow but they use these pics & numbers to exaggerated Mueller's "success"...insanity

10-1 odds that balloon gets popped

@American Patriot 1776 I thought it was going to be after NATO meetings...tomorrow?

@American Patriot 1776 don't quote me tho, I am not certain but he can't be in 2 places at once & is doing the dinner party thing of NATO today/tonight

who was Huma/Weiner's housekeeper?

Have they ID'd the body in the Huma/Weiner trash chute?

@American Patriot 1776 Exactly....housekeepers see/hear things

@American Patriot 1776 Right...I've seen that article...it's why I wonder if the body in the trash chute at Huma/Weiner place has been ID'd....and if it might be a housekeeper or plumber or building super or something like that who may have stumbled upon something or even MAY HAVE and they couldn't take the chance kind of thing

@Smiley you have a link ot a larger version of that...can't read it ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

@Smiley no rush at all...whenever you can brother (or sister!) ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@Smiley i can read the reply portion at bottom but not chat boxes....can you link to page?

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