Discord ID: 128517533010493440
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year 1
Some south asian stuff
Cutting your wrists = you need therapy and professional help
Cutting your dick off = perfectly normal
yoooo india invaded kashmir or some shit today
tensions riseing in the east! India, China and Pakistan in an angry threeway. who will win? place your bets folks
idk they fucking with muslims so think innocents are about to start blowing up
tbh that is THE most contested area in the world right now cause all three claim they own it so this might be fun to watch
+china is just fun to watch in general
well it'll be fun until my country gets effected how about that
does pakistan have nukes?
ok THIS is ebic
dayum i'm gettin the popcorn
we've had enough talk it's time for action
either way wtf we gonna do if not watch with some popcorn
the 3-way border between china, india and pakistan is the most contested one and has been for years, Augustus
so...pakistan is pro china. china and india are pro Russia
russia in a weird position
oh yeah
just realised we've all kicked pregnant women before
holy shit! if you're a fetus in your mothers womb, then you're dick was in your mothers vagina at one point. that makes being a fetus, incestuous
and since a fetus can't consent, that makes a woman being pregnant with her child, incestuous rape
He has no fancy clothes, meaning he is not a trader in the first place. He has no buisness thinking about trade
Guess everybody gay
What kind of rubber barrel shotguns they have in the 40s?
Idk i steal my memes
Plunder* /pagang
It's not really that communistic
Used to be
it's technically not premarital sex if you never get married
Alabama is a monarchy
Sometimes it really do be like that
What's wrong with mystery meat?
pretty sure he's human
now put banana on it
not really deep in any way. more like r/im14andAthiest
idk i don't think about it much
lets do it again...for nature
yall seen this guy who jumped/fell from his apartment and got impaled?
he he survived the fall but died in the hospital later
Danes are a step lower than swedes and norwegians but yeah
i'm confused, one second you're all against rape and the next, you see no problem with it
Wait so not having a dad is a bad thing?
yeah i looked it up myself and it said 1-3 hours
r/nicegirls and r/niceguys are teaming up?
Well there's a lot of things that change with context
excavator and oil pump is the same thing
Truedoor looks nothing like fidel castro no way they're related
it belongs to somalia obviously
Fucking danes
Remove pรธlse
Don't know, don't care, remove the danes anyway
just gonna vote for both
for now
oh shid
compared to boomers and millennials, definitely
Uniting half of europe?
More like a 4th but still
So just those 2. Sure why not
Nordics are not germanic anymore. Didn't you hear lanius
Well sweden is that's for sure
Scandinavians are germanic
So is england
Yes. But germanic
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