
Discord ID: 393103444661239828

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Because firstly, I believe there is nothing that can justify hideous crimes like murder, including the Quran or the law,

And if anyone or anything commands you to do so, it's your responsibility to refuse

Secondly, your religion says nothing about you as a person, rather about your culture

I met muslims who are retarded, but they're mostly nice, caring people

The problem with the Quran is that it's hard to decide what it even tries to convey

Because many Arab words don't really correspond with our language and ideas

And some have double meanings

Most terrorists aren't being sent by an Islamic state

Not sure about that by the way

Everyone is committing war crimes in yemen lol

It's the prime example of how not to make a state

Sunnis and shias should stop caring about eachother

Seems like you're generalizing a bit

I doubt every single shia intends to destroy their cultural heritage

Just as I doubt every white man is christian

*Generally*, if that's the case

No people is by definition evil

They view it differently

Which isn't bad necessarily

The Quran can be interpreted various ways

Not all shias are Isis

Oh, didn't know that

I don't understand why shias and sunni's can't just chill a bit

There's no reason to hate people for having different views

In your eyes they corrupted it, in their eyes they improved it

Not because they're bad people,

But because they think what they do is right

And that what they think is the truth

Just the same as you

There is no right or wrong outside of your perception

Unless what they do is actually morally wrong

Personally think any worshipper is the worst

If you're religious, which I think is pointless, at least understand that an almighty and allknowing God does not care about your sacrifices or prayer

Because he did not put you on this earth for you to waste time on telling him what he already knows

It's okay to believe what you believe, as long as you let others believe what they believe

Yea we have a lot of Turks here

We have 500.000 Turks here

500k out of 17 million

I thought Islam was anti-gay

This channel gives me aids

I'm talking about Islam in general

They're pagans

Depends on where you are

Maybe my ceiling is blue

Finland is a cool country

Christianity is stupid

Too much milk gives you aids

Did you know milk was originally invented by the nazi to neutralize enemy forces on the battlefield?

I don't know about you but on my school it is deemed unprofessional for a teacher to spread his political views without being asked

Aren't we all a little retarded deep down

A boiling retard

Have you seen the vid of the Brits testing LSD on soldiers

Atheists are contra-gay

We literally fight the gay

Not literally

Gays are fine

Don't care about trannies

They don't hurt me

Or anyone really

How do they hurt themselves?

If they're willing to make that sacrifice to make themselves happy,

They aren't hurting themselves

And yes, there are retarded gay people and retarded transgenders, no need to send those pics,

But let's not generalize

What makes you say that?

How about you ask your doctor if he considers being trans a mental illness

I can assure you he won't say yes

They don't believe they can actually be the other gender, who told you that?

They try to resemble it

Sometimes to the extreme

But they know they won't literally be female or male

Again though, if it makes them happy,

What is the problem?

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