
Discord ID: 211350834343182336

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trump has also realised it

I like owning firearms, going hunting, going shooting

How about YOU do that?

Since you lost your job

yeah, I’m privileged

Is that a problem?

It’s the fact my parents worked for themselves and my family to live life comfortably

Everyone has privilege

They worked

okay man

you seem to be getting mad at me for having a privilege

yes, I’m privileged

That isn’t a provlem


It’s just called working

Stop trying to be a parasite that leeches off of society because of your own failures and laziness to do something

I’m both

I don’t own that sort of property

I have a farm passed down to me

Did you know a garbage man makes like 100k per year?

Wanna know why? Nobody wants a job like that

I’m a Capitalist

A worker can be a capitalist

I’m not trying to even pretend I am a “big man”

“Like everyone else”


except everyone else is able to own your keep

It seems only millennials complain about these problems because of the things they get a degree in

Go back to college and get another degree

Not even intending it as an insult

You act aggressive for no reason

No it isn’t

You’ve literally thrown insults at me and others for this past entire debate

I don’t care about that though

I’m just trying to have a respectful conversation with you

I understand both

I’ve studied both

I’ve learned about both

I’m from a country which was under Socialism

You’re literally advocating for shitty things

You realise that socialism takes and the government keeps it?

my dude


A brother

Well, a cousin technically

she doesn’t

Ceausescu did some good but a lot of bad

Romania did better under fascism, the republic and the monarchy

Not the modern day Republix

The former Constitutional Monarchy

Some people do try, as Vlad said - and then it fails

Humans fight

It’s natural

Yes it is

War is human nature

Violence is human nature

Violence and war is all human and animal concept

yes it is

Animals and Humans are both inherently violent

not really

Violence is in response to a provocation

Violence is in response to get resources

Violence is in response to survive

okay then, so is yours

Your an Ancom



was correcting myself

I’m gonna quote the Jew Ben Shapiro for a second -

Facts don’t care about your feelings

It’s useless even arguing this though

She isn’t going to learn

We’ve gotten no where in the discussion

Capitalism is better

End of discussion

like you

Reverted an insult back on her

Hey, she just likes insulting



I’m apart of the Alt-Lite

It’s the better form of the Right

We despise the Alt Right

yes, nice job using terms and flashing them around

I don’t support some sections of it

Sometimes I can agree with it

when did I say that?

you’re pulling things out of your add


how is it implied?

@Deleted User depends honestly

I dislike some of the violence associated with it

I’m pretty much a Nationalist though

@Deleted User You could say that

You won’t take anything from anyone TR

Your ideology is pathetic


So now you say guns and comrades?

Implying that you will use violence


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