Discord ID: 231869317719785473

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2018-05-31 20:53:27 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

So people with differing ideas don't deserve to live, Karde?

2018-05-31 20:55:47 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

Fascism and Communism have represented themselves horribly and groups that disregard the value of human life if they disagree or oppose their ideology

2018-05-31 21:02:35 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

"It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

If we shall not acknowledge that our government must be free and and be of the people, by the people and for the people, we shall let all of those that died for the cause of freedom and liberty to have died in vain. China is rated so highly because people are killed otherwise, political prisoners have their organs sold on the black market after they are executed. China is a hideous abuser of liberty and freedom. We must acknowledge that all governments are flawed and only through democracy can we even dream to achieve liberty and equality

2018-05-31 21:04:29 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

@๐ŸŒผKalina๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒนZay๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒนScott๐ŸŒผ You're using a fascist tactic, trying to flagpole people in public, you're no greater than they are

2018-05-31 21:06:17 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

And this is why American fascists and communists are condemned to internet forums and 4chan, they collectively are so extremist that they can only be anonymous in order to avoid extreme ridicule.

2018-05-31 21:13:26 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

@here I'm going to speak out of character here: I don't know who is role-playing and who is serious but this is absolutely horrifying (for the selection of the groups that this applies to), The justification of the rule of Fidel Castro, Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong is absolutely hideous, they were all monsters that would rather kill their own citizens than surrender any amount of power. Fascists who were justifying the eradication of Jews are just ignorant, an ideology based upon hate shall never last, it shall fall. It scares me that I no longer have any clue on what statements are serious and which ones are kidding.

2018-05-31 21:19:10 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

Oh come on, Marx was ethnically Jewish, not religiously.

2018-05-31 21:20:15 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

When a nation spends 60% of its budget on the military and military production alone, it isn't going to last very long, that was the fate of the USSR.

2018-05-31 21:27:48 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

The United States has survived through two foreign invasions and a civil war. It is through its dedication to the Constitution and its amendments that it has been allowed to stand since 1776. From the beginning of its near nil shot of being able to revolt successfully and onward, the United States has fought an uphill battle dedicated towards the ideals of freedom and liberty and through the sacrifices of many, it still stands, democracy might be imperfect and flawed and abusable but it's the best thing to have occurred for the world, to finally have a shining city upon the hill.

2018-05-31 21:31:56 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

@here I'm going to cut this to something short and sweet, instead of all this infighting, what can we all unite under? Making an ethnostate of the British Isles and then a communist state of Australia/Canada and then allow for the United States to be a democracy. Any opposed and if so, what is their proposal for compromise?

2018-05-31 21:35:06 UTC [Imperium Political Simulator #general]  

@here I'm going to cut this to something short and sweet, instead of all this infighting, what can we all unite under? Making an ethnostate of the British Isles and then a communist state of Australia/Canada and then allow for the United States to be a democracy. Any opposed and if so, what is their proposal for compromise?

Ultimately, we can be divided or we can agree to disagree, will we ever be able to stop trying to jam our ideals through the gridlocked political machine or can we compromise and all get a little bit of what we want?

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