
Discord ID: 206038522971422721

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Oh that'll be easy

Not to my knowledge

I'm 15 and like 2 months on the political scene remember?


When? Button Mash, shut up, we don't need your pessimism

That I can agree with

That's not pessimism that's just facts, if we loose white vote we're dead


"embarrassed to have a penis" that's disgusting


"when the clock stops,
it'll be too late"

Give up

No not mormons, please no

Well, voting wise it helps

But any other way please just no

So? Hillary darn near beat Trump

I don't care if the voters are idiots

That's how they voted and that's their opinion

So how is everyone

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ you should probably move out of California

Looks like it's going to crap

Wouldn't be surprised if it tried to secede tbh

All those bumper stickers are pro-republican

Trump 2020, police lives matter, don't tread on me, and he started moving before I could read more

Reddit's still butt sore about umm crap, I can't remember it's name. Some FCC thing that got repealed


I go to a tech school, it was the topic of discussion for a whole week and the reason I was temporarily hated for that week. And I can't remember the name

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's repealed, WWIII hasn't happened, Netflix hasn't shut down, ISPs aren't charging websites for high speed, ISPs aren't charging us extra

Such a massive tragedy

Holy crap

We can get another republican in there

They serve for life, this is amazing

Well, now I feel bad I didn't offer my condolences

This is awesome

What the heck?

Wait this is awesome but I should be sad about the dude dying.....

I'm confuzzed

Wait was the dermatologist a republican?

I hope the person wasn't

That'd be a problem

I always suspect foul play, I want to work for the FBI sometime lol

I assume the worst and work my way to the best

Ok cool

I believe so yes

"Gun culture"


That's depressing

The border wall announcement?

I think tomorrow

Choose one and see if you make it on air

Film the whole ordeal, and if the story gets aired

Send it to every right wing media group

And completely murder CNN ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Hey, what's the topic?

Side note, did you look at my DM Mr. Red Storm?

Happy Easter y'all!

The entire FBI?

The entire FBI

They're going to bomb every HQ and base and send hit men for the remaining agents

That's the only Christian joke I've got

Haha nope

I subscribed to the new /r/gundeals and had to unsubscribe because my home feed was so full of deals for guns I can't even buy that I couldn't see anything else

Because there clearly isn't a caravan of over 1k people coming to invade the flipping country

No data there

The petition got taken down

Some Hispanics identify as white some identify as Hispanic

They're a minority's you can't question it

Senate is a lot safer

There's just less margin for error

Button mash is really pessimistic

Make a big enough splash in the political world and get Trump's contact info, and voice your opinion. Can't be that hard right? (Last part is being sarcastic)

Good job Mr. President

I want to see the expression on those invaders faces when they come up to a armed US Army battalion

Or any other service branch I don't care

Time to eat a hat Mr. Gyre

Is Button being pessimistic again?

Well that sucks, move on

get over it

Naw really?

Well don't give up

The more pessimistic people are, thinking we're going to loose

the more likely we are to loose

So shut up, you aren't helping.

We need more publicity, get our ideas out there

Redpill some people

The walkout will help publicity

But we need more, suggestions anyone?


How are y'all today

Unlike them with Hillary

Yeah at first I thought Trump should do the interview, but it probably isn't the best idea

Button, there was a study saying liberals are more likely to be sad and angry than conservatives

Sounds like you'll fit right in, and if you aren't joking and vote dem do me a favor and leave this server.

You need to look on the bright side

Be happy

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