
Discord ID: 444465009544658955

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I can't believe a cookie is having a political stance right now

isn't it supposed to be in my mouth?

they ruined my oreos <a:Nava_vomit:777784003608051714>

when did anyone ever say trans doesn't exist?


they want to make people think conservatives think that way

oreo cookie finally identifies as non-binary

my ass

way over the limit by 2 seconds yeah definitely good


you mean rule 14?

oh yeah ok

how many warns till ban?

cuz I ain't boutta give up conservative servers, ok cool


wow true love


you all about him eh?

jk jk chill

nono no homo

look at this person not caring about logic

talking about abortion:

those are the people killing our future generation

what a disgrace

the media be cherry picking some proud boys violence, yet if we talk about all the harm that BLM has caused we are racist lol


new member?

wait wrong server lol

what if I am not a horny one


pregnant women are now serving in the military
if you fight the USA army and you shoot a pregnant woman.
you just performed a double kill

37 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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