Trixie Dixie

Discord ID: 256512780574654464

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2017-08-12 03:41:34 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

We're gonna keep on winning boys.

2017-08-12 05:00:03 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

@sophia.smiley322 definitely! Say hey to me if you're going to the rally tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2017-08-12 17:43:32 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

I'm safe as well

2017-08-13 19:18:47 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

We are having a rally in Boston this upcoming weekend and Antifa is already planning in the masses because they're super mad.

2017-08-13 19:19:07 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

We are going to be SERIOUSLY out numbered unless something changes.

2017-08-13 19:19:35 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

Like, I'm more worried about this rally than the one we just had.

2017-08-13 19:19:59 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

The main group we had dropped out, and antifa just keeps coming.

2017-08-13 19:21:56 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

Seriously. I'm damn scared even in Boston.

This is what he said in regards to that

I think it's better if we don't let the people on the right get slaughtered, even if we don't completely agree with everything.

2017-08-21 12:19:52 UTC [Realism #general]  

I'm finally putting this video as public because this needs to be seen.

Harassment my boyfriend (Captain Kirk JT) and I faced while leaving the rally. People followed us for blocks. It was insane. Show's you really what these people are out to do. Guess the first amendment is dead.

Good stuff starts at about 2:00

2017-08-22 01:01:21 UTC [Realism #general] Outerheaven Political Podcast - come see it boys

(sorry if this is in the wrong place)

2017-10-01 09:10:49 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]

2017-10-29 07:13:16 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Anyone know anything about CRISPR?

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