Kessler Syndrome

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2019-04-20 05:14:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

the hebrews also thought the sky was an ocean

memes to disprove evolution?

what abbout core samples?

so humans were created in a lab?

i see, i respect your opinion

that is not how thermodyn works

what is the force that keeps everything on the ground?

i mean how do you calculate bouyancy?

yes, how come we are heavier

whats the force?

what gives us weight?

why is it leighter? what is acting upon it to give it weight?


so if i put 1kg of steel in a vaccum chamber what causes that to fall?

im trying to learn more

humor me

because to find bouyancy on my own, if i were to calc it, i would use p x V x g

p x V x g = bouyant force yes?

how can you base your point?

to calculate bouyancy you use gravity ( g ) as the force

you need to replace the force

yes exacly

p x V x g

you need to replace gravity

as gravity does not exist?

so for bouyancy to work you need to replace gravity

what do flat earthers replace it with @Pockets

just so i can test out the math on the spot

so bouyancy = density x volume x density?

that makes no sense

that does not work

that does not give me a bouyant force

you need to replace gravity for the math to work, im getting inacurate results when replacing gravity

@Pockets in the forula - Density x Volume x Gravity + bouyant force what do i replace gravity with?

you cannot replace bouyany with gravity and vice versa

im asking you

Density x Volume x Gravity = bouyant force **

that gives me the mass?

not the force of bouyancy

do you see how this is working

so you refined theorum is - Density x Volume = mass

that does not give me a force for why things sink and float

that does not give me bouyancy

its not

p x V x g = bouyancy

its simple

they can

you can measure this at home for yourself and test lots of objects

you can do it in your sink

dont even need a calculator if ur good at math

i was looking for an answer

but recieved none

other than you telling me volume x Density = mass


then why do you think gravity is fake

okay, so to say its disproven, you need to replace the force

its the same as saying, get rid of president and not put another one in power

replace gravity

i never get answers here

then dont beleive in fairy tales you cannot prove

have answers

prove it

replace gravity and prove it

im not from usa

again, these memes do not apply to me

considering in 3 years into a degree, its a bit late to start thinking density holds the moon in place

i have

its my degree

all i do is measure

pretty boring

on a large scale

too large to observe on ground level

you linked a trig table wich i respect

but thats granted the sphere is in a vaccum

we are not, we have a layer of armos


read what i say before

granted we are in a vacuum

granted again, listen

are we living in a vaccum at sea level?

why is it i cannot see mont blanc from my house?

on a clear day

i have a p900

i use it for crater photography and such

used it on mont blanc

and couldnt see it

drove 10 mile closer and could see the tip

there are no laws of perspective?

link me to that

i have never heard of them before?

laws of perspective?

isnt that just a word

is there actually papers covering this?

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