Plains Redneck

Discord ID: 778039921733926963

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Maybe I can offer a solution. What's up?

You're watching a pantamime to wake up the normies. Unfortunately some aren't just asleep. They're in a coma.It will get worse before it gets better. That being said. Sit back, and enjoy the show.

.... For a disease with a 99+ percent survival rate. I would've hoped gun manufacturers were smarter... Lol

Haha. Very true. And I guess I'm out of the loop. What did fenix do?

Bwahaha. That's freaking fantastic

Well When I have a bit to burn I may well do the same lol.

If you're rocking heavy plates I could see it. Soft armor is still a nice insurance policy if it gets hairy when out and about.

True. Out in BFE where I live, where everyone and their dog is less than ten feet from a rifle at any given point, but then it's less likely to get hairy out here on the day to day.

Oh the good ol soviet 1911. Will give them credit for actually using a snappy cartridge in it though.

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