
Discord ID: 553383458186199040

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2019-03-28 00:32:14 UTC [AIM Weekly Address #announcements]  

**To pay dues or donate**
PO Box: PO Box 508 Harrisonburg VA 22803 (Checks made out to American Identity Movement)

**Ongoing fundraising campaigns**
-Dox Fund
-Wikipedia Project

**Upcoming action**
-DC, weekend of April 28th

**National communications server**
-Mattermost: Be sure to click "join team" at which point you'll be prompted to
-Contact your coordinator if you haven't received an invite.
-If you don't have a coordinator, email me ( from the email address we have on file.

-See the following tweet for available items and prices. Once you've decided what you what, shoot me a message.


2019-03-28 00:33:19 UTC [AIM Weekly Address #announcements]  

We'll get started in two minutes. Please read the above post in the meantime. @everyone

2019-03-28 00:35:03 UTC [AIM Weekly Address #announcements]  

To pay dues or donate
PO Box: PO Box 508 Harrisonburg VA 22803 (Checks made out to American Identity Movement)

Ongoing fundraising campaigns
-Dox Fund
-Wikipedia Project

Upcoming action
-DC, weekend of April 28th

National communications server
-Mattermost: Be sure to click "join team" at which point you'll be prompted to
-Contact your coordinator if you haven't received an invite.
-If you don't have a coordinator, email me ( from the email address we have on file.

-See the following tweet for available items and prices. Once you've decided what you what, shoot me a message.


2019-03-28 01:05:38 UTC [AIM Weekly Address #announcements]  

Send $30 to the Zelle earmarked "DC action" to sign up! @everyone

2019-03-28 01:28:34 UTC [AIM Weekly Address #announcements]

2019-04-04 00:32:23 UTC [Weekly Address #announcements]  

Weโ€™ll get started in five minutes. People are still trickling in.


2019-04-18 00:48:46 UTC [Weekly Address #announcements]  



2019-04-18 00:48:58 UTC [Weekly Address #announcements]  

Good and services not friends and family

2019-04-18 00:49:02 UTC [Weekly Address #announcements]  

Earmark it for the DC action

2019-04-18 00:49:11 UTC [Weekly Address #announcements]  


2019-04-18 00:51:52 UTC [Weekly Address #announcements]  


2019-04-18 00:51:57 UTC [Weekly Address #announcements]  

Make sure you're up to date on dues!

2019-11-30 01:59:41 UTC [American Dissident #lobby]  

2019-12-26 05:11:42 UTC [American Dissident #lobby]  

Drag me in @Jake Lloyd

2019-12-26 05:18:09 UTC [American Dissident #lobby]  

I'm muted!!!

2019-12-26 05:19:00 UTC [American Dissident #lobby]  

I unmuted

Where my TWP respecters at

Sounds like imperialism to me

Imperialism was officially debunked a few days ago, guess you guys missed it

On a Dlive stream

Comrade Parrott scored a huge W for the white race

It's rare even here in America

Exactly, America is ground zero for illegal racial combinations and you still don't see it often

Are most people in here European?

Not morally at least

I think there's a longevity concern as far as empires go

In case you haven't seen it

Funny thing about Heimbach and Parrott is they both have wealthy parents

Whole thing is a LARP

Heimbach's parents are wealthy DC area lobbyists or something

Yeah, they've admitted to working with the FBI in some capacity

Yeah white nationalism was doomed to fail lol

Slav supremacist huh

American of Irish descent

I think it's great

Sayeth the slav

White ethnics need to stick together

Hibernian-Slav alliance

>he hasn't read the Protocols of the Druidic Elders of Hibernia

Embarrassing honestly

How right-wing is the average Russian person?

Never been

Sure, still curious though

That was my Twitter account yeah

Do you not believe me? @oistoy

It's the internet, people get carried away identifying with anachronistic political ideologies

it's fine to draw inspiration from the past but there's a difference between that and some American who's never left the state of Kansas saying "I'm a Germanic pagan national socialist" lmao

Those people often oppose practical solutions because it doesn't fit into their meme self-image

If I recall correctly racial and Jewish problems weren't as much of an issue in Spain back then so it wasn't as relevant

Demographic displacement, Jewish infiltration of institutions

Black crime

62 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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