Discord ID: 693236899959275583
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So kinda new to the server myself. @AOFAGrimReaper42(SSG) still need #4?
Epic Games username TalkingWeb13537
I'm on Switch more than anything.
Actually, that's all I use for Fortnite.
Stock Apple EarPods.
It's not great, but it's a mic.
you Xbox or PS4?
Define "sweat" for me, would you?
Good with weapons/aim, yes.
Building/cranking out 5 story buildings in -5 seconds, no.
I should say modest with building.
Around last December/this past January.
About when the Lt. Evergreen skin dropped.
I still use that skin to this day.
Mostly because I don't waste money on IAP
I never have.
All the videos "Kid does *insert dumb/stupid method* to get V-Bucks" on Youtube though...
Those are why I still just play the game free.
Someone tell Epic make this skin a reality please
Anyone who doesn't know of this boss is a "filthy casual" lol
one sec my dude
And now I take my leave for the evening.
Anyone want to do a couple of Smash Bros. rounds?
SSB tourney would be awesome BTW
lemme know when the Fortnitemare is done
I did one round on Solo and died one of the Shadow whatever-you-call-its.
I was last one alive of the players too.
Every once in awhile I'll run into another Lt. Evergreen skin on Squads.
More often than not I'm the only "Christmas tree man" on the match. I'm perfectly okay with it.
Is there a gaming-specific thread on here?
i.e. one just for people who want to game and take a breather from politics and stuff?
I live in TX myself.
Dunno why people haven't called it (texas) for Trump.
Ah, a fellow Texan? @VladTheImpaler
yes he did
TX was seen as a necessary win for POTUS.
As was Florida.
hurry up and call Georgia and Wisconsin already people
82% reporting according to Fox News Trump with 53.1 percent to Biden's 45.6
Cindy McCain cost the Republicans AZ big time.
hurry up with Georgia already people jeez
@VladTheImpaler who got NC?
oh crap
if we lose NC...
Wisconsin and Georgia need to be called.
Georgia has been a "hurry up and call" for at least an hour if not more.
Georgia is a Trump guarantee at this point.
Biden can have Nevada all he wants.
Is there like a gaming-only thread on here? i.e. a go-to for people looking to play Minecraft or Smash Bros., something like that.
Call of Duty Ghosts ring a bell anyone?
I'm looking at getting an Extinction squad going and don't want to end up paired with some weird leftist.
*for Xbox 360
I think they'll work with one another.
Xbox Live username GreyWolfSif4559 in case you need it
do I even want to *swear word* know?
oh jeez I thought you were gonna say Biden got 270
Are there any Smash Ultimate players on here?
I'm looking for a good ROB main for tips and coaching.
I main Mii.
One of the locals I do is doing a new main november event.
you play Link?
I main Mii Sword a ton.
Go ahead, judge me. I don't care.
Nightbot shut your mouth
I figured it would happen sooner than later.
*the Steve reveal
@JunoBlade even without John Robert's vote.
The man is a supreme disappointment to Republicans(John Roberts)
your Xbox Live username?
thanks man
just dropped a party invite
@BrysonCreates what about a Smash Bros. Ultimate thread?
NC has been called for Republicans.
Both the Senate seat and electoral votes.
Decision Desk
Business Insider and there's a few more I'm sure.
couple of rounds anyone?
I got a Mii Sword that's starting to get rusty lol
lemme know a time
Go, Sun/Moon, Black/White, Sword/Shield, all that.
I just visualize people as "tree or not tree" in-game
mostly 'cause I still use Lt. Evergreen as my skin
I got a few people who are like "Change your skin!"
they are with one of Tim Pool's latest, yes.
@PeePeePooPoo it still says "stopped streaming *insert time* ago" on one
Was Gen 5 X and Y?
Or was it B2/W2?
so is this for original MW(2004 X360) or the 2019 remaster?
still want a round or two @SonicTaunt ?
also I have never played Cuphead
fun fact: last play of that game was totally legal
defender was making a play on the ball thus "legalizing" any contact with the receiver
couple of rounds anyone?
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