President-Elect Frankie G

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As the police are right NOW, I cannot back them.

I do feel this way, too. But not all of them are like that. I've had a client of mine who was a cop and I genuinely think some of them just need the right kinda TLC and care. She wasn't a bad person underneath and her energy cleared up more through helping her heal.

But when push comes to shove, we must stand up for what's right.

Lastly, it's almost important to understand the freemasonic role in this, too. I do believe there are police officers put in position to cause trouble.

The KKK eventually became the police force.

You mean not because of the cops that jumped and eventually killed my uncle? Not because of the stores being threatened by police officers? I don't watch the news. I could easily accuse you of being a bootlicker if you're saying I'm listening to the fake news media.

Exactly. So please don't assume that you think I'm getting my views on police from fake news media. This isn't a place for one-dimensional thinking.

Something to clarify, most of anything that goes on is a GREY area. Not everything is black and white. Good and evil.

The TRAGEDY of the George Floyd psyop is that there IS police brutality and white supremacy within the system, but they made the brainwashed masses believe it was RACE being the problem instead of the globalists. There's a little "truth" in every angle. Nothing is completely bad or baseless.

The Illuminati like to DECEIVE by creating wars within wars. Conflicts within conflicts. Make it all confusing as shit for the typical person.

I can't support the police right now until they fulfill their oaths of protecting us. Same goes for doctors doing harm against their own oath. Not because I think all cops are bad. They're not. But they need to start making decisions if push comes to shove with what's being told to them by their superiors.

There's a conversation about soy sauce going on, apparently, but I recommend getting organic gluten-free tamari soy sauce. It's what I use with my clients. It's a staple.

I own both. Not exactly the same thing, but I know what you're taking about. Fermented soy shouldn't be a problem for most people.

Here's a recipe for digestive issues, gas, heartburn, etc. using tarmari tea.

Boil 4oz of filtered water.
Add 1 - 3 teaspoons of tamari.
Drink down or sip.

Wait 15-30 minutes until taking another 4oz until issue is resolved.

Tamari tea an hour before bed is a great nightcap.

Tamari helps alkalinize the stomach when it's over-acidic.

Yup! Whenever you find yourself having indigestion, try the tea.

Filtered from a MultiPure system. Here's my instructions for water and proper hydration from my website. I always try and make sure my clients are properly hydrated before doing anything else.

Warm is best if you're dealing with digestion. Cold isn't a problem for a strong system, but not while healing.

Berkey is great last time I checked.

Do not drink more than half of your body weight in ounces daily. Unless you're sweating profusely, that's over-hydration.

Add unrefined sea salt in my instructions if you're concerned with minerals.

That too must be the right amount, as well.

Celtic is perfect. Just make sure any salt is well-kept. Can't be a damp environment.

Digestive juices. Acids. Shouldn't be a problem for most unless digestive juices are low.

You could, sure. I don't have any experience with those, but I typically use unrefined sea salt since most of the minerals are there.

The right amounts of salt is incredibly essential to healing. Most won't get better without them.

All depends on what I'm trying to do. For maintenance, I've gotten to the point of just knowing what I want like it's a food, without any real schedule, but I recommend treating supplements as a medicine before taking anything willy-nilly. I've taken tons of supplements over time but many were temporary and should not replace food.

Salt is key. Honestly, I've seen miracles come out of proper salt usage. I highly recommend that method I shared to you and implement it properly.

Supplements are great for huge deficiencies, yes, but you won't be deficient forever unless something isn't be corrected for the long-term. Supplements help close the gap. You will lose your nutrients depending on stress and digestion/absoprtion, hence becoming depending on supplements. That's why the core fundamental health issues need to be corrected.

Sometimes a LOT of salt is needed. Your kidneys cannot function without it. Once your kidneys get weakened, everything else follows overtime.

@xBenJamminx Ben, I feel the SAME exact way.Too prim and proper and clean looking like an Obama.

For me, it's more about the vibe he gives off.

Not always. We'll see.

I'm tired of politicians in general. Don't want any. Just want Trump to make waves greater than he already has.

Nothing like a hot swamp.


Start doing this ^

GOOD. You needed it.

Probably more to do with the amount of salt you're tolerating now.

Start printing and using these forms at businesses. Stand up for yourself.

I've got a big dick, that's all that matters.

I respect your honesty.


Micropenis micro-aggressions.

Because they're Luficerian. They're trying to flip reality on its head. Make us all the same. Go against natural order of things. Brainwash us through changing language.

Yup. Psyops.

I like Lin. Until further notice.

Truth chat.

The shit Lin says is the shit I'd see commonplace here. I'm inclined to believe he's telling the truth, but who knows.

He doesn't seem like a liar to me.

Yeah, but he's being pretty brazen about it. Seems very confident.

Holy shit.

I think what's interesting to me, after months of "the truth will come out", somebody of his status is being extremely detailed about it. This is refreshing, if it isn't a psyop, of course.

Kappy was very specific, too, no? I could be wrong, but this all feels more honest to me. idk

These next three weeks will be the most unpredictable part. I've pretty much called everything, every step of 2020, but I'm completely clueless about what happens next, aside from Trump more than likely taking office.

Could be that I'm just tired, but it truly feels like anything could happen now.

Possibly. January 20th will be more telling than the 6th.

I'm surprised they haven't already.

Lin's banning may backfire on them? He's gotten a lot of attention.

Power/Agenda/Control is more important than money to the cabal.

Flu shots are free, after all.

The money helped. Now they can just print more.

He was still in Hollywood. Close enough I guess.

Why didn't Tommy like Lin again?


I love it

Fuck yes.


Lin's tweets.

If anyone wants to share the series of tweets on their Instagram right now, I added it in a series of stories that your recipients can follow along with.

I said the same fucking thing. Lin is basically saying all that we've been saying here.

More like willingly complacent. They're not even always stupid.

Because it's more comforting for them.


Pharaoh wants to interview Lin immediately.

But, but, climate change!


I felt that way initially, too, but I don't think it was meant that way after reading all of it.

I'm the opposite. I want to be more involved with helping society, not less.

I believe Lin has trended twitter like, twice? This is going to spread like wildfire.

I've never heard of Lizard Squad before.

I'm dead serious. lol

I know a lot, but not everything.

Calling it now, Lizard Squad will be the new Pizzagate.

Holy shit, they're the ones who brought down Playstation Network and Xbox Live? My interests all come full circle.

I feel the same way.

Same thoughts.

A lot can happen from the 6th to 20th. The latter date is what really matters. A lot can happen before then.

Is anyone on the 4deep crew going to DC on the 6th?

Fuck, I lost a bit.

The timing of this is great.

Good night, Discord! Thanks Lin Wood for tweeting right before I was about to go to bed 2 hours ago.

If that ends up being true, we learn from it and move on. Trump cannot be our savior, either way. We're expecting him to make it easier for us.

With that kind of defeatist thinking we will. All we need to do is stop complying and actually do it. It's getting to that point, either way. The 1% doesn't have real power over us, no matter how fearful anyone might be.

Another good reason why America cannot be a democracy. It wasn't to begin with.

I think it's just anyone with an extremely unhealthy immune system.

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