
Discord ID: 797289277297393674

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There are no words for how badly I loathe facistbook...

purple, give 'em time, man, they just finished stealing the govt. They got to let it coold down for a day or two...

Truliterature, I just joined this morning.

I just joined

honestly don't know how...

I'm having enough trouble moving around the site...

I just heard a quick two-tone beep...did I get a message or something?

YAYYY!!! I finally got rid of the bouncing exclamation point.

because you dared to defame a popular hero...poor ol' George, who was killed for absolutely no reason.

React, becuase they're leftists...

Kaladin, I was going to mention that as well. Folks talking about using firearms...and I'm totally pro-2nd but....guys, ssshhhhhh.... plans are best made in secret.

Sengorn, perhaps you should research the word facetious...

read above

Sengorn, no. It's called tactics. There's a reason surprise attacks have historically been so successful...

I read 1984 in high school (shortly after the Earth's crust cooled) and I shuddered but thought (and BELIEVED) Wow! Glad that will never happen here. it is...

Kaladin. ikr?

Funny as well, there's a book written by a guy who I believe is (was) a professor at some univ in Cali, called "Ecotopia". It was well-written, and posited Cali as an ecotopian-aware state that seceded from the US.

Very well researched, for it's time, (late 70s early 80s, IIRC) and interesting to read. But to see the way Cali turned out is SO much more disappointing when one remembers the future presented there.

Most of this is actually the fault of the GOP R.I.N.O.s, they should have backed Big Don's efforts to stop mail-in ballots being acceptable, and to requrie voter ID.

ZED had a meme on, old but I just saw it this morning (which led me here) that had Brian Stelter actually asking other CNN traitors if there was any type of established press on the left didicated to denigrating Trump. They all piously intoned "Oh, noooo..."

BTW< Kaladin, is there a character limit on posts here?

Night, Poland used to hav a system where EVERY single member ot eh Parliament had to agree on a new law before it could be passed. Result? Complete stagnation of the government...

I opened a twitter account months ago, but never figured out how to use it (dinosaur <------right here) so never actually got on the site. Now I get all these stupid twitter notifications from people I never heard of.

With all the millionaires on the right, I can't understand why no one has opened a totally new 'channel', 'site', not sure what to call it, that is like YT but independent of the google engine...

Night, I've used DDG but I mean a chat/posting site like YT

Never heard of gab

Purple, consolidation of power. If they can't hold the office (as in when the people are still armed and insurrection is on their minds) then they have to apply more pressure to the boot-heel.

Purple, I did a lot of acid in my youth, and never had anything that bad flash through the ol' cerebral cortex...


Thanks for that, I just left-cklicked to enlarge then right-clicked to save that.

Are you serious?

When I was a kid, I was against gays. Now, I'm more concerned with seditious, anti-American traitors, and their willingness to infringe upon my rights than with who goes to bed with who.

I just opened my Parler account, and it's still working but there are no conversations going on... hhmmmmm ๐Ÿค”

I mentioned this earlier...I opened Parlor this morning, it's still up but no conversations are going on at the moment. Makes me wonder if it's just the 'screen' open but that it's actually non-op.

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