Crimson Charcoal

Discord ID: 248174625291370498

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felt confident on all but 2 answers F


Server wipe BB

Time to loot!

Doge pump

Oh shit no market open, I'm a dumbass


no sell feature, now they're getting it

no it's a ladder attack

@nitrotypegod4165 fkn chill you smooth brained paper hand

the big companies are trading the same few hundred stock back and forth to lower the price

you sell to them and that's what they want

that's what 💎 🙌 have been saying, HOLD

we buy the only stocks being traded on the market and the price is ours

squeeze the drop


So many people flowing in green held at the top, you can hold at the bottom

never forget


Going to buy my coworkers a $500 donuts debit card if I make the sale

1/11 stonks

that's all they're getting until $9999


is it hot in here or is it all the hedge-funds burning?

what I wouldn't give to hear their waling woes

if you aren't joining the war on Hedge then (reminder not financial advice) UUUU, TSLA, but personally I like HOG and DFEN

I mean Zed has us coverd, but I like to make sure ppl know

~.10 was my high

Unless it gets a super backer

The squeeze begins


💎 💎 💎


T - 10m



end of day majority shorts close, last moment ups. Thursday down hard?

double charity

emotional and monetary


I pulled some out to buy RIOT today. Feelsstonkman

Nice sheckle pump my guy

I saw it

Doge down, I repeat Doge down!

An instant switch would fuck things up, but based on inflation $wage should be better

Well if each state had their own $ sure

But the USD dosen't quite work like that

Price of living is different everywhere and are you living alone?


Well if min wage goes up and ppl previously at it are unhappy or do an actual hard job employers will have to fight to keep them.

Because they could switch to Mcdonalds and say fuck you

Inflation fluctuates, why can't wage go down too? Takes time and evaluation


.90 is a lot of pennies

Had it since 1990

Ah the days of blissful ignorance

doge 🚀 ?

Space ring would prob have spin to it helping create gravity otherwise it'd have to be very structuraly sound considering human mass movement all over it


So connecting directly to a space elevator is iffy at best

Manned by our brave Space Force

Yet they used the star trek logo


and that's vs. Dogecoin which goes BRRRRR


10k DogeCoin a minute. No halving, pure inflation. A true meme. Much brrr

bounce Dogecoin today

look out Dogecoin, a new meme's in town! Spiffcoin 🚀

Buy spiffcoin directly from the source,


Only green

Sell to play coin? Risky, but they've been rocketing

I like to set limit sells high, organized to recoup costs, so anything in-between I sell at my leasure moving to diversify


O no bloomberg oil is down a whole dollar

You were saying?

His shit decisions will benefit sepcific companies. Econ ain't gone till we stop printing stimulus and that'll be after the 15 days to flatten the curve are over.

Stonks went green yesterday because of a stimulus announcement.

Week isn't the same as a day


I went up a whopping .36% this week.


Oil stocks doing nicely


He's going to double down into Bitcoin, bet

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