Discord ID: 764192219988361267
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> Florida must stay Red when Texas goes Blue.
Texas will remain red for some time yet.
Shooting a Glock is not fun????? .... ok ... I think I need that explained a bit. Pull trigger goes bang, more fun that a Christian should have, doesn't matter what made the bang. Talk to me man.
> @RB I just dot get the same gut feeling shooting my Glock. It's not that I think 1911's are superior, they both have pros and cons, but its easier and more enjoyable for me to shoot the 1911. It's like cars. I'll drive a Civic through a canyon and have fun on the curves, but in my BRZ there's a more visceral excitement in doing so (faster I might add).
@Alpha-57 So you can shoot your 1911 faster than you can shoot your glock?? I understand the difference between a performance vehicle and a slow POC. But I own a dozen different handguns, Glocks and 1911 and others, the ONLY difference in their performance is ME. That would also go for the Civic, pulling one through the turns at speed takes MORE skill than doing so with a car built for it. I think you're dreaming.
Comfort is what you get used to. Stop shooting your 1911 for a year and only shoot the Glock, and the 1911 will feel weird when you go back to it. UNLESS you have an injury or odd shaped hands . I shoot everything from original colt 1911's to Glocks to Sigs, to Browning, to CZ to Ruger in 6 different calibers, the second mag becomes comfortable. I think you're not shooting other weapons enough. If it does hit the fan, you need to be as handy with a weapon you've never seen as the one you've used for years. If it goes bang, its fun.
You continue to miss my point, yes there are personal preferences based on numerous reasons, for selecting a firearm to own and use. That is NOT what you said however, you said one was more fun to shoot than the other. That's where I called BS. Unless it hurts to shoot it, like maybe a 50 cal or a .410 derringer EVERYTHING is fun to shoot. ... hell even those are fun, it just hurts.
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Healthcare is a service, were it a right, doctors would be slaves.
NO one in the US dies due to not affording healthcare.
Why do people still think the "rich" aren't taxed?? That's a myth, the top 1% on income earners in the US pay 37% of all taxes on less than 20% of total income. The top 10% of income earners pay 72% of all income taxes on only 42% of all income. The top 50% of income earners pay 99% of all income taxes on only 78% of all income. Where do people get the mistaken idea they don't pay?? The ONLY way top avoid taxes in this country is to avoid income.
Maybe out of pride, but not money, there are dozens of ways to obtain treatment for those without money.
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