Admiral Zephyr

Discord ID: 484142171239350304

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So I debated this friend of my friend about politics and it ended up being a 2v1 (Me being the 1 republican vs the 2 democrats). The debate started like this: All of a sudden that person who is a transgender (Keep that in mind for later) randomly said "Like if you spupport Trump and I'll never talk to you again!" So I just said "Well I like Trump" and then my other friend stepped in and said to the one I was going to debate "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion" so she freakishly responded by saying "But their opinion is about supporting some mf who hates me, so I won't respect him" then I said "Well, It's my opinion and I really don't feel like debating..." She steps in and says "But you're supporting someone who hates my existence!" Then she obviously uses the MVP of the debate 'The labels" and calls him transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, ect... I said "Sorry, that's my opinion, It's late at night so I'm tired, I don't wanna debate..." "bUt yOu SuPpOrT sOmEoNe WhO hAtEs My ExIsTeNcE!!!!" I asked how he's racist and she brought up something completely different like the Death Penalty instead of rasicm. And then she talks about his homophobia and transphobia and I say "Ever heard of LGBTQ+'s for Trump?" And she ignores me and the giga Karen steps in (My friend even after this) and says he HATES LGBTQ's same with Pence and they want them DEAD. And then I said I don't support trans's choices of trying to change genders but I respect them and then- "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY TRANSPHOBES HERE?! :C" I swear I got jumpscared by how many caps she used- that should be against the law. Then I yelled back "It's because I'm a mormon!" And then Giga Karen with her sassy high heels kicks the crap outta my religion by saying "I'm pretty sure the founder of your religion is a pedophile." I absolutely lost it. I left the group chat and a few hours later she apollogized and we're friends again... Maybe just comrades. Thanks for listening and have a wonderful day!

That took a while to type XD

This was yesterday Owo

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