Novan Leon

Discord ID: 777604845078577232

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What I think of every time I hear someone talking about Q:

I canโ€™t speak for Georgia, but it seems 70% of the people here in the Charlotte area are originally from out-of-state. We get a ton of people fleeing the northeast who settle in this area and unfortunately bring their politics with them.

I live in Concord but commute to Charlotte... at least back when commuting was a thing pre-COVID.

I love NC and the area surrounding Charlotte is nice, but Charlotte itself is becoming more blue by the day.

Not a good direction.

Cut taxes, cut regulations, grow economy, lower unemployment, appoint 3 SCOTUS judges, appoint numerous federal court judges, move Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, move towards prison reform, get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, deal with North Korea (peacefully), deal with Iran (peacefully), facilitate multiple Middle East peace agreements, call out the media, expose the deep state... troll the Left hard

All while being the subject of unjust investigations and a farce of an impeachment process... of course.

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