
Discord ID: 734226306128150609

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ooo yeah

my md public school was saturated with them

lol reckon

i think i'm just going to pretend i know what billy is talking about

oh gosh that's annoying


okay i wasn't gonna sleep anyway

too busy planning to conquer the world with my powers

bro that's crazy awoii

lol they made my sis take an assignment in english about "learning about white privilege"

gosh that's annoying

i literally didn't say anything in high school, and I regret it

it's racist of them to assume one race breaks into stores more than another

that's rough

it's so stupid

i'd be scared of billy if he didn't like chicken so much

@AWOIII uhm... that's crazy did you report that?

so very against hate that they are willing to intensely hate on anyone who disagrees with them

this sounds really too stupid to be real

i mean, yeah, i believe you though

it's so stupid how people think they'll be on the "right side of history" if they just nod along with the majority

well true

she was like, "that was 'hate speech' so that warrants violence"

"... NooOOoooO, i mEaN hAtEFUlnEsS"

... now im curious what will happen

ahh i see

please do

i can help you write a whole speech if you need it

that'd be good

true that

they are

oh no, do i want to ask, billy?

i mean, yeah, ice cream is good... ??

that sounds like a waste of perfectly good ice cream

that's a good idea, i did something for my local department by just contacting the community officer. my family brought them a cake and some cookies--they really appreciated it

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