
Discord ID: 434870381401341952

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Crazy. I'm behind enemy lines here in Seattle so I am pretty sure that crazy will come here next.

I just had a fucking awesome idea! Since we are getting rid of police because you know... Raceism. Why don't we get rid of teachers also since it is obviously racism that causes them to have the worst test grades and can't get into college.

Say it with me Black Kids Matter. New movement. BKM.

I was offered 20k to teach inner city. That was twenty years ago. I can't imagine any wanting to go there now after all this


Not salary. 20k bonus.

I gave it up once I saw how impotent the union was. Flacid superintendent and principal and shitty kids and parents.

And that was Texas.

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the Lamentations of the women. Live barbaric.

Pretty much synonyms when it comes to efficacy.

Just saw that brutal meme monster. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

Monsterman posted some sick memes about chromosomes. Is dank the right word

So we don't have free speech on here? Just read the rules and looks like it is just another bs "if you don't do what we want we will ban you" account. Who determines what is hate speech? Who determines what is racism? If we can't say it how can we discuss it? How can we change minds if those minds aren't allowed to speak? This is why social media sucks. Can't get punched in the mouth for being a fool. Good luck guys with your platform. If you can't talk freely then it's not for me.

I live in Seattle. I pay taxes. I should enjoy those services that those taxes pay for but our weak leaders would rather capitulate to those who don't pay and live off their parents.

Im not good at memes but it would be appreciated if someone could do a mayor Jenny Durkins meme with this.

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