Effects 'Em

Discord ID: 374245112202657792

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You know all these riots are going to turn toward the trump supporters if he becomes president right?



Just need more politics and people wonโ€™t be silent

Itโ€™s a tested theory

Oh damn


At what point do you say enough damage is enough?

I love America and want all the freedoms that I had back in 2026

Absolute best gear

But be ready to be called a fascists ad a racist

Even the majority of dems are white

For sure

If they could stop wit the hypocrisy it would be nice

When? I just know itโ€™s been going on an I want it to stop

Plus, there is a liberal Instagram thatโ€™s in my town, and I can tell you with full certainty that 92% of my town is Conservative

Iโ€™ll be in the VC soon

tf game full

what the hell is going no

stop trying to lay the swalllow


Im 16 so im all good


we aint talkin this shit

i am in a prdicament

what are the new mods needed for the download


found the end

ping me when the mod list is up and running

ill do the same

How the hell do we make chairs and stools

crafting recipe

the JEI equivalent won't show any crafting

And my house is now externally and structurally completed

I just cant find any recipe online or in JEI

And that would absolutely complete my house

Either that, or maybe Mr Crayfish furniture could be a viable alternative

Iโ€™ll be on later

Found pillaged spawners so thatโ€™s good

she 18 calm down

feel free to exfoliate you cock

The hot bitches at our schools

my school

Where the white women at

Nice one bited trump sads

We're all pro-tit

generic bitches from clsoe to my school

i say generic because they have the shitty style

jesus licc ass schist

its german

1 fish 2 fish cardi sucks dick fish

Google exclusive incognito feature

Spidey, its time to sleep

even im tired

its not the carriedawayness, we somewhat know the glass celling of women content

Ill keep that in mind

It was meant to be joke, but i see that it may have not been in the bets intrest

No problem spidey, sleep is a good thing

They need to keep they're dems to themselves

I hope Ohio stays red

Because we are swaying pretty bad

We have governor Mike Dewine

Yeah, and trump wished him good luck, i love that president

You moderators must be the most bored people to be watchin these chats

Its 4:45am here without sleep

I feel that

I may create a modded server for the worth, maybe

It is not absolute, but if someone were to make a server I would do anything to support

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