
Discord ID: 727571793681973298

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Nice long gun, Jesus. 🙂

I can't upload :((((

RIP subreddit :(

I wonder how many riots there will be today? 🤔

I don't think incarcerated peeps should be able to vote

I don't think illegals should be able to vote, either.

The injustice system won't punish ANTIFA. BLM domestic terrorists et al

yeah but charged with what? Misdemeanors? Minor felonies? The punishments, I'd bet, won't fit the crimes

Yeah I'm cynical. I've experienced the injustice system not punishing appropriately

Remember David Dorn. His life mattered :(

I wonder if the arsonists and looters will be actually punished

Lol the no lives matter counter makes me laugh

But all humanity matters. Including the unborn. Whoa I went there.

I roll my eyes at people enjoying the privilege of living in the USA and throwing shade at it. Morons


It's humor

I concur

we're all the same species

It boggles my mind how it's acceptable to be a black supremacist but to be a white supremacist? Oh hell no. Wtf?!

Better dead than red

Heyyy speak for yourself. I'm a Gen X.

Nothing wrong with Gen X.

Nothing wrong with Millennials, either.

This generational bickering is never-ending and retarded

One of my best friends is a Boomer. He votes Trump and has guns and lives in California lol

My other best friend was born in 1987 and he's French

I have Gen X friends in their 50s

Also, English friend born at the end of WW2

Exercising your right to vote is special

I voted for Gary before. I'm a Libertarian

I'm abstaining this time

Beats me. Apparently conversation is cancer lol

Vote for whomever you choose


Lol truth

Blow shit up

Not me. Fuck China.

Better dead than red


Bunch of my ancestors fought in various and sundry conflicts so that I can enjoy the liberties we have today. I do not take it for granted.

Me too


Oh no those boomers protectimg their mansion weren't charged, i hope!


Holy firecrackers batman

Somebody just went nuts lighting some off


Damn that girl is a ferris wheel of punches


My cat was a bit freaked out by firecracker explosions last night

It's afternoon:P


Those jerks

I was having an asthma attack so I slammed a coke zero. All better :-) and now I'm properly caffeine


It's just plant stem cells or some crap like that

No fireworks here. Canceled

Stupid pandemic

Careful wearing black. Don't want to falsely be accused of being ANTIFA


$5 says the police will decline to prosecute


I got baleeted

Oh ffs fine

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