captin cork

Discord ID: 557636190279565312

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Hi guys! I'm new here!

How is everyone?

Ok...this is interesting

> Till trump America's future was safe
@its_Jimmy Are you kidding?

C'mon Man!

> Was his covid results
@its_Jimmy I knew you were going to say that. SMH. That just soooooooo funny. They dont call you crazy for nothing,

> It's always the youngster that try to argue againat trump here
@Solaris I am 14 and I am a Trump supporter. So is my whole family. Trump 2020.

Isn't Joe the one that said poor kids are just as smart as white kids. @its_Jimmy

I am

> So who's from German Descent here
@Havon German Irish Italian here.

> @captin cork poor boys
@its_Jimmy oh yes you really are stupid

this is a crazy server lol



> @Jacktheude. Yes vote for good
@its_Jimmy for Trump then?

The left is never right.

HI guys

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