
Discord ID: 117148181015298051

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You don't decide your sexuality bro lol

Do straight people decide that they're straight?

Do gay people know how to be straight?

Not for gay people.

If being straight was "instinct" everyone would be straight.

If you wanna convince me that being gay is a choice, you gotta provide me with facts and logic.

"Indoctrinated" with what?

@Mackerell show me proof of that

Show me a single article that says "gay people are gay because they were molested as a child"

That's not an article.

lol no

that's not what it means

>dislike, aversion


I'm not a conservative hope that's ok

@Mackerell like what?

ah ok

I haven't heard that quote before

I'm gay


I'm not having kids

Ya, sometimes sex just feels good.

That's a good refutation against the Christian argument against homosexuality.

You could literally say that about anything though.

SpongeBob is totally gay though

Gay furries are cool though

(I'm one sorry)

Pennywise more like Gaywise

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