
Discord ID: 546802902803546123

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If Kamala really wants the Green New Deal to exist, maybe she should just stop breathing. She's emitting carbon into the atmosphere by doing so.

which meme chat should i put this in?


ohio is SCARING me

indiana locked for trump

its early we are fine. kinda unfortunate they put in the big cities first. they are just trying to scare us

north carolina gonna go to sleepy man unfortuantely

gonna need to win michigan, wiscinsin, or minnesota now


north carolina down to 12,000

yeah the big blue counties are left for virginia tho

looks like michigan or nevada is needed for trump since biden got the 2nd district in nebraska. very sketchy right now

nevada will not be counting any more votes until noon est tomorrow. so stupid

tomorrow, thursday

yeah nevada and michigan are HUGE

trump only needs 15ish% of the remaining PA votes

> @Bubba and the people behind this fraud need to go to jail for life
@Shadow_Droplet Like the person who put on public social media that they threw away over 100 trump votes? lol they deserve it

what if we all moved to california to vote for the republican candidate next election? wait. they libtards wight take away the election process somehow




where is alex jones

did you guys see that the margin in Georgia is now 3,600?

if georgia ends up flipping somehow i am moving to poland

abortion is illegal in poland so thats a plus. also they get space funds

3500 in georgia. its dwindling away. not looking good

kind of a quiet chat considering what happened yesterday

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