
Discord ID: 748591828520927353

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> lol, imagine getting caught
@SANDY Caught who said anything about caught?

yes but more for being rude to my mom then getting caught for anyting


o well

ill get stuff back eventually

leftist tolerance


no kidding


that guy was cherry picking facts

not the whole truth


but then again its a leftist group so not surprised


> If Trump loses, will <#762720224268910632> become #righties-meltdown ?
@SPRTNWRRYR1974 no cause we arent a bunch of idiots


this is illegal

also someone should just show this to the police


this is what they have to do to stop us

btw trump filed a lawsuit for voter fraud and mail-in vote cheating.... all he needs to do is show this clip

honestly thats probablyhow they view it

y does it not surprise me


i cant

this chat is much more popular tonight then last night

> Trump is going to win, then we'll see the meltdown
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) the issue is that biden only needs nevada to win

> It's because we've had to deal with toxic lefties all day
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) i get that cause same

@isoboto but yeah going off what we were talking about earlier my dad does lots of things

he was at one point making bullet-proof vests

> @Poseidenforce your dad sounds awesome. Are you planning to study or work in the same field as him?
@isoboto maybe but im really thinking about applied physics

i love it a lot

> @Poseidenforce what does your dad do?
@Large H mostly label finishers but he does lots of other things as well. like we does some IT stuff. he makes things.

his degree is in aerospace engineering

> @Poseidenforce that's good! You figure everything out already huh? You are already in college or are you still preparing?
@isoboto not yet im a freshman in highschool

i hoping to go to mit Georgia tech or princton


also i would love to serve for a least a little while in the navy! Like my grandpa

no kidding

that is also HELLA racist

> @Large H I think it depends on the culture. For example, in Vietnam, Southern and Central vietnamese tend to work on stuffs more while the northern vietnamese is very academia type and are clueless of fixing their own house (Lmao my dad keeps threatening he is going to retire early but i CANT imagine him not working).
@isoboto Lol my dads side is from italy and germany

thats so cool @Large H

ur dad sounds great!

> @Poseidenforce Haha, he's a pain in my ass some days. (I'm kidding, me and him mess around and hang out most of the time when there's nothing going on. I try to stay busy with him when I can)
@Large H all dads are like that tho right?

> @Large H similar situation with my dad. Normally he works 2 jobs but he also works as an electrician during the weekend. Now we are renovating our house and is down in the basement from evening to midnight. He physically cant stop working lmao
> @isoboto quarentine just meant more house projects in my case as well lmao

> @Large H out of curiosity but did you guy ever experience a rift in your relationship with you dad? Maybe the dynamic between a father-daughter is different from a father-son, but there was a period where my dad and I cant even be in the same room together without me feeling vaguely claustrophobic
@isoboto for me... honestly rn is when my dad and i are going throught a rough time in our relationship but its not horrid

we usually get over ourselves after a while


thats great😆

tbh it breaks my heart to hear how many fatherless homes there are in America

ik but litterally the left supports the opposite for hispanic and african communities

so i guess fathers are technically on the ballot to

me nither

georgia still hasnt been called so there is no point for me

also im 15


that always how it goes right?

i konw a kid in ACTING class that wont talk to me because i won the political arguement

kinda makes it hard to do scenes

yep and he was a dick during the debate too

also i asked a girl's opinion on a FUCKING YT COMMENT and SHE QUIT THE CLASS because i was a racist

all i need is a pan lid

HELL yeah


btw i find it funny that this convo went from talking about our dads to meltdown rants 🤣

the only people in my school that are trump supporters are my friend my goverment teacher and me..... everytime someone brings something up i dont have enough time to type anything so they think theyve won its hideous

also @Generic is my friend from school he introduced me to tyler

yes it is


we are always the few in our generation

it sucks


its kinda funny tho cause the only nonbiased teacher is the one that counts

im in metro atlanta area

> im from houston, texas. the heart of left country
@SANDY its cause they are all oving from cal

not PA or GA they are clearly red

true but fulton has got all the votes in and that what the hold up was

> it just seems really sus that they'd both openly declare "we threw away trump ballots lol"
@un-w yes but these people loot stores w/o bandit masks so....

sadly yep

yes it is but too much is an issue

ive been on my computer so much my eyes be dead


my dad also wants me to write down the constitution by friday so that i know it

so thats been fun

> Anyones else not doing school work and watching the election.
@Large H im doing this, online health class, and trying to write down the constitution all at once

yep i just finished the ADAP thing an hour or so ago


i am doing a powerpoint thing for reasons for and against gun control as well

no its not



mostly the speaking portion

the other topic options werent great either

abortion and covid


i think if i took a cognitive test Right Now it might turn out worse than bidens

> I’d rather do gun control if that’s my choices. At least I can bs my way through it.
@Large H well we have to do both sides for gun control

so its not just guns bad


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