Jordan R.

Discord ID: 201821810524815361

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Guys I have bad news

My friends parents voted trump in 2016 but voted Biden today


My friend said his parents are retarded

Theyโ€™re in Arizona as wel


He told me that his parents switched from trump to Biden is because of his rhetoric when he gives speeches

I have more bad news as well

My step mom was considering voting for trump this year. She voted for Hillary in 2016 but she texted me saying she proudly voted for Biden ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Lol I wish

Iโ€™m not from US. I just know lots of people from the US. Iโ€™m from Canada

My step mom is from Portland

I didnโ€™t vote for retardeau

Good night

Trump 2020

Trumps ahead in florida right now

@lilgbengs he's ahead by 133000 votes

Texas won't go blue this election maybe next election or 2028

Biden was champagning in Minnesota


Hillary had an enthusiastic base, Bidens base isn't enthusiastic. It's basically Trump vs the media/establishment

there was a big case of voter fruad in Texas

My stepmom voted Trump last night

Nevada could be in play for Trump as well

Biden's campaign prays on low info voters

@Xioz A lot of Bidens votes come from people watching mainstream media

Trump has the 2nd highest vote count in US history

Michigan needs a hand recount

especially after that glitch in the voting system

If they weren't cheating, why were they not being transparent?

Time to say goodbye to all of Trumps hard work getting the jobs back from overseas

Biden's really improved compared to hillary in the voting age group of 100-200 year olds

@SeatedGamer that's incredibly racist

he'll be 82 years old when he's done his first term

No republican will ever win again if they allow this cheat to go through

I think Trump will win his re-election in a few weeks to a month after all the lawsuits and such are done

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