Discord ID: 757137165514965063
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whats up
senate elect biden
North Korea remained Corona free cuz they shot everyone trying to cross the border
even some south korean guy
north korea held a massive military parade a month ago, so they are pretty confident in their control in handling corona
remember when Trump was a dictator because he didn't wanna kill people in pointless wars ? https://inthesetimes.com/article/joe-biden-department-of-defense-pentagon-transition-team-weapons-industry-military
remember when the lefts were anti-war, supported assange. hated hillary? now everything is upside down
trump is a dictator for not killing enough ppl
true but there were atleast more voices, now its just 1 voice being accepted
no wonder they endlessly criticized trump for wanting to pull out of syria
remember how they talked about how the kurds would all get slaughtered? nope didnt happen
and Biden doesn't even wanna talk with North Korea saying its like talking with Hitler
they used to say saddam was hitler too
the war biden supported
same old joe
and the U.S media keeps giving false stories to support their narrative
like when north korea said they would strike the U.S if the U.S** ATTACKED**
all of U.S media said shit like: NORTH KOREA THREATENS TO ATTACK THE US! without giving context
im so tired of this crap
i was on another discord and pointed out the gas attack in syria was "disputed" even on wikipedia, yet if i didn't blame Assad i got muted for denying a genocide lol
and now these guys are gonna get in the white house
god help us
well technically its not ended
its kinda complicated but yea, at least most of the terrorists are gone
the terrorists obama and mccain loved to fund
hell? what happened to the war on terror? guess financing terrorists is fine /shrug
ending the wars is good for everyone, less refugees, more money for healthcare and everything else. both sides should support it yet they are not
there is literally no benefit in NOT ending the wars
only difference is that when democrats acts like republicans they pretend they're not
i dont like bush republicans but i love trump republicans
no way
they would just bash him for running as a democrat
other democrat leaders would distance themselves from him
and bloomberg would run as a republican lol
how did he grow so fast
some twitch streamers used years to gain that, he just surpassed them in months
good thing musk will soon give us tickets to mars
did u see his new rocket? its gigantic, gonna make mars travel economical if it works out
well its note done yet but gonna fly test soon they say
well musk is working really hard so i think we will
u can't really see the size of that thing in that video but yeah
cant wait to chill on mars!
i blame the danes
did joe win his senate run yet
ur cringe joke killed it
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