
Discord ID: 299249346720038912

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New to this channel. Saw his youtube feed. Thought i'd see what was going on in here.

The problem with socialism is that people are involved with it.


Fortunately we've already had other countries to show us the pitfalls.

Like the UK, now where if you get labeled as a malcontent, you don't get your socialized medicine

but they will still strip you of your tax payments

Unfortunately, people still wanting control in socialism. UK's socialized medicine is a perfect example. Pretty much every policy the UK has introduced under socialism is nothing I want a part of

It sounds nice, but that's never the reality.

The Ughyers, Tibetans, Falun Gong, Christians, HKers, ROC, Philippine, Africans... China is pretty much a nightmare everywhere they go.

Yeah, they have a lot of issues

I do like the ROC flag

It's funny too. I only know a one person who actually profess to be KKK. Raging liberal. I used to know a neo nazi, he also was very liberal.

China, and many Asian countries, value complete harmony. They want a homogenous society. The standing nail, is the one hammered down.

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