
Discord ID: 437381722288422924

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Hello, I interviewed with Marseille. Nice to meet everybody.

Rules read.

Thank you. Hello, everybody!

This one went a long way to my redpilling on this ((topic)).

2018-04-25 23:21:57 UTC [Literature Club #asia]  

The depravity of Japan summed up from a spiritual perspective.

2018-04-25 23:23:36 UTC [Literature Club #misc]  

Marxist Lucifer King Junior ๐Ÿคฃ.

What are you guys growing now? I got blueberry bushes for my birthday!

I donโ€™t own it. These are going in large box planters and relocating when we move. Weโ€™re hoping to buy a property in the next year.

Could it be damping off disease?

Sterilize your equipment and get fresh potting soil if so.

Boo, sorry! I can never win between leggy seedlings and damping off.

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