
Discord ID: 497326595472621568

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Iโ€™m for abortion honestly take octo-mom perfect example... has 6 kids already on welfare then gets her self knocked up with 8 more instead of the country doing anything they commend and hand her more free shit new house new car more food stamps more everything.... they didnโ€™t force her to give up her rights or to get a job she now sucks and fucks cock the very thing that got her where she is now .... itโ€™s mind blowing

My dog when sheโ€™s not supposed to be on the couch but I catch her and ask her what sheโ€™s doing ... she seems to think sheโ€™s cute or something ๐Ÿ˜‚


I did ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

My bad lol

When the 2020 Election is an exact reenactment of the Movie: Black Sheep - https://tenor.com/view/chris-farley-blacksheep-gif-12836329

I have never prayed in my life but GOD if you exist and you are really up there dancing around please for the love of pussy grabbing can we get Trump back in office!

WHEN Tyler Zed .... Does the PERFECT Bubbles Impression - Day made that was better than coffee itself papa bless

that was ultimately the best shit hands down

Pandemic world wide - โ€œcorrupt politicians: hey letโ€™s fuck with trump some moreโ€ - โ€œTrump: So I uhh got acquitted yeahhhh bitchโ€ - โ€œNews: President Trump how do you feel?โ€ โ€œTrump: PEANUT BUTTER AND JAAAAAAAMMMM!โ€

An example of a Leftist having a mental breakdown and insisting that all conservatives should be cleaned out like WW2



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