Angelica | Angie

Discord ID: 392060986539900938

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Just looked at all the memes of the week and goodness, I love this discord ๐Ÿ’™ <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>

Thank *God* for Sundays o(^โ–ฝ^)o Confusion and worry every day of the week but then Sunday hits and ***bam*** I'm perfectly happy and content with life -u-

Hey guys in case y'all weren't aware and in case y'all wanted to participate, there's a YouTube boycott today

All the stuff they pull with Republican voices as well as the announcement that they'll start putting ads on videos without giving ad revenue

First time at a gun range! Apparently I'm a good shot =D

At 15 feet, I should specify

That's really awesome! Of course, I don't have much reference, but it sounds awesome that you're trying to be ambidextrous!

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