Discord ID: 564170527451643983
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I can only Imagine if what happened with Chaz Happened in Texas
I dont think we would need the police to help
honestly The US Military should have stepped in the second a person was killed
@putz12 I myself think its comedy gold
It hurts
You know what else loves crowds
Ye but my version was better
I watched it but that shit was wak
Haha lmao???
I have a meme for this
Do ya think I can post it here since its relevent to the convo
Thank god this guy is covid negative
Yeah buddy
Makes great tacos
Wakin up to the wife be like
But actually if that wasnt Taxidermy It would mean Hella Bugs
So many diseases
Ive heard many people refer to that
Look in <#720450552416305254>
Nvm cant find the meme
One of my weapons started a fire in my safe and I lost all of my guns
Idk all I know is now I have absolutely no guns
He looks a little too happy about that blankey
I think he meant ugly as in bad person
Whatever happens in the coming months remember the reasons we have the freedoms of speech and to bear arms that we have
@Spongy Look at any news channel
Darn cali libs trying to take texas
Sweet Home, Castle Doctrine
Imagine he does just have a peaceful transition to himself
Yall are welcome in Texas as long as you arent californians
Perhaps an exception
All I know is when worse comes to worse im going to Dragon Man for help
He is very PogChamp
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