Lady Perpetual Exemption

Discord ID: 534846117028823071

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> tbf, if the system isnt so corrupt as it is, trump would've easily won the 2 nobel prizes he was nominated for

I don't think you understand what a nobel prize is

cuz it's not an even an american prize

Okay? But what does corruption have to do with an award?

You're comparing absolutely nothing just to say "corruption"

And that has something to do with corruption how?

It's the Nobel committee votes on who get's the prize. The voting didn't even occur until this month, and it's completely for the people voting to be biased, it's literally they job

"incorrect, if i pay a judge 1 mill to rule a case my way, thats called corruption"
That's not bias, that's bribery

Just can't accept you're wrong


You're actually asking me to give you the dictionary definition of bias?

Fine, I'll amuse you
prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

> literally nobel prize representatives could literally go public and say themselves that they didnt vote trump cause he is anti-globalist/socialist, and leftists will still think they were fair and not biased
Did they say that?

Mate, you're pulling this from no where

@IT Mate, you won when he said you were baiting

Yeah, no. You said the same thing to me the other day when you said the nobels were corrupt

> and its economy is fucked up so bad a piece of bread costs thousands
A loaf of bread there is actually around 1.70

Which is cheaper than in the us, which is $2.00

> 25 USD is 249.687 VEF
yeah, different currencies have different values

> Mods, I'm good, unless your a libtard
your libtard what?

He tested postive

He just didn't show symtoms

That's what people need to understand though. Asymptomatic cases can spread it to people who will have symptoms or die from it

No no no no

You dont applaud someone for half assing their job


Applauding death


One, same as every year. If you're on a cell or laptop, it will have done it for you

> dos anywon play fortnite?
I did in season 2. I haven't heard much about the game recently

The sky

Mate, a president should have the brain capacity to know that nuking a hurricane wouldn't do anything other than make other countries shoot nukes at us

> It's a lot more reasonable to think about what would happen if you nuked a hurricane than it is to say "trigluuccuuanr."
Nah mate, you definitely can't make fun of biden slipping up, since trump does that way more egregiously than biden

> Trump makes mistakes like the rest of us, but that's a little different from saying non-existent words.
You're saying that ironically right?

In what way did I challenge your claim?

No, I'm saying that that is exactly what trump does; he says word that don't even exist

What word?

No, sorry my b, I mean "trigluuccuuanr" when did biden say that?

I don't doubt that

I just want to see it

Yeah, I think he was trying to say true international ??? pressure, but that's the best I got

I don't really know the context

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure,” Biden said, continuing the phrase “isolated punish China.”

That makes a little more sense?

> let a real wholesome game like Minecraft get back on top
Wholesome and minecraft can't be used in the same sentence

I've never heard of lil pump

I refuse to know that's what he did

That's because you dont play twitch

You stream what you play ***on*** twitch

> what kind of music do yall listen to
Literally anything besides mubble rap and country.

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption SABATON!!!!
Sounds familiar

Yes, I have listened to sabaton, I just looked it up

I teared up in I am Legend and HZD, but that's about it

> Happy election day everyone
Not for a few more hours for me


> ey pink

Foxes are fucking terrifying. I lived out in the forest for a while, and I swear the fucking rake lived there

But it was foxes

They are adorable, but they sound terrifying

I only believe in the true jesus, Keanu Reeves

> so like when do you think they will know who won the election? 2023?
Same as every time, about 2-3 weeks after the election, and the the electoral college agrees on it in december

You know that inauguration used to happen in March because of how long it took to count all the votes

> Yo guys, can you vote already?
I voted weeks ago

> Don't like broken bones? Play Mad Max for the ps4 and over come your fear! <:troll_face:726878856585281557> <:troll_face:726878856585281557> <:troll_face:726878856585281557>
Is it a good game?

Geez, everyone is being so dramatic

You're all making a pretty big deal out of this.

It's 4pm

We'll know who win in around 2 weeks

Today is just a spectacle

Is this your guys first election or something?

No, you're still losing florida

It's red by 0.1%

No, he didn't win florida

Biden winning Texas

gg ez

> all of the texas votes counted so far are mail in
That's not right at all <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

Trump will win tonight, but lose in a landslide later this week

No, voter mass voter fraud in a presidential election doesn't exist and hasn't since the civil war

> It is true what Trump said though. They are trying to mess with the election
Not in the slighteat

I really just want to get back to normal politics

Not this abnoxious man baby that we have to hear from every fucking day

One man lied and a quarter millon died.

And people are actually voting for this sociopathic fuck


> @Lady Perpetual Exemption stay mad
I'll stay mad so long as 250k americans stay dead

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption and how many babies were aborted without you batting an eye?
So you admit to your own hypocrisy. That's a start

You get upset about abortion, but are fine with 250k deaths

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption
> Doing something and trying our best to help : racist and evil
> Killing the most innocent humans: hah its our right
Wow, that's really what you have to say?


He took months to acknowledge the virus, failed to shut down our boarders, adamantly pushed back against science, caused a bidding wat between states for supplies, and much much more

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption
> When the left called him racist for shutting down the borders he still did
Him saying kung flu made it racist

All he need to do was not be a toddler about it

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption no... he did shut down borders and left things like mask up to the states so he not taking away their power
40k people still traveled to the is from china during the shut down

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption Sorry, who calls who a toddler? The modern liberal that gets offended from someone calling a weak virus "the China virus"? Again, who's who?
It might surprise you to know this, but a president is held to a slightly higher standard, being a fucking president and all that

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption So then wtf is Biden doing? Being professional? I think not.
No, but better than trump

> A VP shouldnt play despisito to pander to latinos
> Thats basically saying "your dumb enough to vote for me because i play song"
> @Lady Perpetual Exemption
What does that have to do with what I said?

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption Yeah, policies are better than behavior, I think
Name one of his policies


> @Lady Perpetual Exemption bruh trump would be called a rascist for doing that
I don't care about hypotheticals

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption
> School choice
> Middle east pace deals
> Tax cuts
IDK about school choice
me peace deals clearly didn't work
Tax cuts also didn't help those who it was supposed to

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption trump is “hypothetically” rascist by his statements then.
That's not how it works

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