Texas Crusader

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2020-11-11 14:19:27 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

well then at least the men because women aren't allowed to

2020-11-11 14:20:31 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

with the fascist i mean people who believe in hate speech laws and other stuff like that

2020-11-11 14:23:10 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

lets retake the Vatican instead that's the true holy land

2020-11-11 14:23:43 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

nope not really

2020-11-11 14:24:24 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

why don't we just share jerusalem

2020-11-11 14:25:28 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

if shes/he's a bitch ass cheater its ok

2020-11-11 14:26:02 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

i pronounce it is-rye-ale

2020-11-11 14:26:45 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

freakin pagans

2020-11-11 14:26:53 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

with there pointy shoes

2020-11-11 14:27:43 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

it's 8:27 where i am @Kaladin

2020-11-11 14:41:23 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

it also teaches us not to stand for people doing wicked act @I Love Mike Pence

2020-11-11 14:43:17 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

to me the big bang was the birth of god

the reason why Dems want free health care is so they can use Americans as test subjects for horrific mind control experiments

or something like MK Ultra

seriously they can control every facet of your healthcare in England there have been plenty of cases where life support for people has been turned off which to me is basically murder

i know

its just like so freakin depressing not in the sense of sad but in empty and emotionless (even though there raised like that)

hear are a few reasons jesus is badass
1:he's the son of god
2:he walked on water
3:he was a really cool dude who went around spreading miracles
4:when he was crucified he said f*** you im back

i can't legally own a gun yet so cause im not old enough but when i am whats a good rifle to start out with

other than an AR or an AK

ok but what is decent a cheap rifle

sorry if you can't see the image that well


hold on i zoomed in on it and upped the contrast

zoomed in on whats important and with more contrast


i wrote the 10 commandments below

The Knights Templar:These are the most badass holy warriors ever✝️


Fun facts about them
1:no pointy shoes those are for pagans
2: they were sworn to poverty
3:despite each individual Knight was poor the order was very wealthy
4:You could only eat meat 3 times a week


anybody listen to megadeth

or metal in general

except death,Gothic,and black metal

those can burn in a hole no offense

do you want me to crusade

because i will with out hesitation

with firey wrath of the lord

does any want to join my crusade against all those who commit wicked acts

deus vult

@bigalexgaming the thing on his left hand look likes doom guy's doom blade from doom eternal

2020-11-11 19:07:48 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


its also for weapons

show us


also when im 18 im going to purchase a 4 barrel shotgun and saw the barrels

im gonna rig to where all shells fire

when you pull the trigger

thats cool

i am defineatley going to get an Ar 15 when im legal

i can't believe i used to think it meant assault rifle

that was a like a year ago i think

if i ever win the lottery im buying a sh*t ton of guns

dang that's some extreme dedication

@mightytrump i agree with your statement because nowadays when people think of metal they thinks of screaming and people praising satan

sometimes when i listen to metal like slayer,megadeth,or pantera sometimes can't understand what there saying but that's because i don't know the lyrics and they scratch their voice but they're are not straight up screaming

and also they sing at a face pace


i don't want to offend any one but at times to me Judaism and Christianity seem like the same religion mostly because we have a lot of similar traditions and morals

at least morals

@mightytrump that is one of my favorite megadeth songs cause it combines Christianity and metal which is the most badass things in my opinion

like seriously who in the hell thinks a guitar is construct of satan

Conspiracy Theory (not really):the reason why the UN isn't going head over heels about the CCP'S infringements on UN laws and their human rights abuse's is because they are bribing them or threatening nuclear war

yeah there probably given em a crap ton of money or something else

it was some blonde chic talking to some news guy right

also i found a song on how the UN can't do it's F***ing job and sucks want me to share it

i was going to share that one

nah i have to go to sleep soon

we shouldn't crusade just to take the holy land we should crusade against all those who do wicked acts especially the UN and the CCP those are some of the worst organizations imaginable

anybody agree

we should send robots to collect the iron on mars

and make more broadswords to reclaim the holy land

does it have glow sights because it looks like a glock 19

the one my dad had glow sights

one day me and my dad set up trout lines in a canal by DQ and we came back to check on it and found that we had snagged a turtle unfortunately we couldn't get it out and the turtle died

does any body know a good film about the Knights Templar or the crusades

Dystopia is my favorite mostly because of the bonus tracks @mightytrump

all i want is this when im 18


@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty yeah now that i think about that sounds way cooler or i can get enough barrels on one to make it look like the cross

i wish the bonus tracks where on spotify tho


oh so thats where they are

look who's talking is one of my favorite songs

of the album

yeah it has a good rythm

also ima say this dave changes his voice every album


probably the most drastic change was around The System has failed

yeah risk too

the name of the album is spot on too

do you know if there gonna make another album or are they done


thats a lot

i would not be upset if thats there last album


seriously god bless the members of the under ground church

we also need a crusade in france im pretty sure were all aware whats going on there

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