
Discord ID: 664293785609568277

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Guys I canโ€™t handle another pandemic there found another virus in China with pandemic potential

If this isnโ€™t a didnโ€™t age good so donโ€™t know what is

The conservative discord is chaos right know . But I think trump brought up good points. Family should be left out bu both sides though

If trump wasnโ€™t as aggressive he would have done better

CBS fact checked and said trump lied and said Biden was possibly misleading for about the same information

Trump won on the economy and COVID and reopening

He could have said white supremacy but he didnโ€™t because they grouped militias in as it so

Is proud boys white suprmeacists and noe nazi it seem to be it thatโ€™s because itโ€™s male militia donโ€™t know about them

Biden took think out of context and thing proven false like the bounties

Trump should have brought up how joes is hypocrite on fracking and the green new deal

Funny how trump was the only one who had to say he condemned white supremacy and joe didnโ€™t plus trump didnโ€™t use Bidenโ€™s own quotes about black people

Jamal condemed Biden on his Bowes but is know all buddy. The only problem is pence doesnโ€™t debate and isnโ€™t in the spotlight will Kamala is

Wonder how many times he rehearsed what he was going to say

Shit we needed that drug test so we know what the good stuff is

He was looking done a lot at notes some did at the end you could see him grab them

He said 9/11 not 911 lol

Bernie supporters arenโ€™t voting for Biden know that he said he doesnโ€™t support the green new deal and socialism

Trump brought up a could point of taking care of the forest so a small flame wonโ€™t cause a huge fire

Donโ€™t you know trump gases people so he could hold a bible after being in his bunker

Biden also said i am the Democratic Party

Charging stations need energy highway need oil smh

Tar is oil

Look at what Putin said America maybe but third world countries canโ€™t do carbon emissions will never be zero

I liked the fact that Trump brought up the part of gnd that wanted to get rid of cows because they fart lol

My grandmother is very Democratic and likes to debate me and my brother

They tied a nouse and said this is maga county and they were in white robes

<:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776> ( I support the gnd but thatโ€™s bad and my deal is better

Biden is trying to do what trump did with buy American but as trump pointed out Biden will cause companies to leave the us

I remember Wallace not liking trump

Biden did what Hilary did and laughed at what trump was saying

At least we finally got a un recorded debate without breaks

The polls are at 50 50

People where saying trump was telling his voters to intimated people at the voting station

Trumps son had a good take on cbs

Is it standard practice for msm to delete the stream and put clips out of context back up later or is that a cnn thing

Where those ballots actually thrown out and found in the creek or whatever

Bad when trump does it good when Obama did it

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