
Discord ID: 474587187808305152

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Reagan was big gay

Just from a gun rights perspective, Reagan was a complete traitor

Drumpf has been a disappointment here, and has only very moderately delivered on his immigration promises

Imagine having cased ammo

G11 gang

Neocons are trotskites who decided to subvert the right wing

They're just nominally right wing neoliberals who have an Israel centric foreign policy

You know Bill Kristol right?

His dad, who was hugely influential in the neocon sphere, was a Trotskite in the New York Intellectuals

I'd rather just not give any of them US tax dollars and work with whoever is on top at the time

anti boomer aktion

Yeah the French government is coping hard by saying it's over

Niggas hand got blown off

I just want the clankening part 2

It's incredibly spot on

I was trying to get 30 round FAL mags at my last gun show and the faggot wanted 100 dollars for it

Navy niggers btfo

I'd rather the gubmit have power than these shitty corporations and billionaires, as it currently sits, they are the ones with the real power.

@GeorgRavioli I know, right now state power is just an extension of capital

Hence why they get away with everything

Swept back undercut

I hate boomers so much

It's the Q anon shit

tldr it's some gay /pol/ larp that's been picked up by boomers

@tumble Q is probably multiple posters. Like many 'predictions' on /pol/ it's simply a matter of volume until something turns out to be right.

Tbh I don't think she's actually Jewish, but is just posing as one to increase influence

>implying people don't like Jews because they are successful

No one cares that Jews make money, the issue comes from how they make it and what kind of values they support

Nearly all socialist movements had semitic streaks.

Socialism, in particular Stalinism, only attacked individual Jews, never Jews as a collective. Antisemitism was banned in the USSR. Leftist politics are ultimately the politics of the other, and Jews are always the other in any European society. This is why Jews in Israel are very right wing, because they do not have to engage in the politics of the other. As for the aspect of money and success, Ashkenazi Jews have slightly higher than average IQs in America, but earn far beyond what advantage that would bring. Jewish students comprise about 4-6% of high performing students despite being 2% of the population. Any representation above 4-6% is evidence of nepotism, especially with elite colleges often comprising of up to 30% Jewish students.

Jews don't have good family values though, outside the Orthodox community.

I do wish white people were nearly as ethnocentric as Jews.

The existence of middle class Jews doesn't disprove the negative influence of elite Jewish power on America. Not all individual Jews are bad or leftists, but the influence of the organized Jewish community is overwhelmingly negative.

So you're saying after Jews moved there those places became havens of left wing ideals? I wonder if there's any correlation there.

@serv I do actually agree with that. That's actually pretty much the summary of Culture of Critique. I'm not saying Jews are acting irrationally, just that their interests are counter to mine.

Do you not think that groups of people can't have generally the same interests?

What kind of values do Jews generally hold on average?

Both those movements are materialist and centered around money. Neither of those economic platforms are beneficial for the average white family in America.

Libertarianism is absolutely centered around money, it's an economic worldview more so than anything else. Just because Jews are involved in one political movement doesn't disprove their involvement in another. Neoliberalism vs neoconservatism is a perfect example of this.

In any case, the primary contribution of Jews to libertarianism is economic

Austrian economics are a core part of libertarianism, at least for right libertarians.

Which is almost always what people are referring to in the American discussion on the ideology

The only left libertarian movements in America haven't been relevant since the 1960's with the exception of anarchists.

I'm very familiar with libertarianism as an ideology, I used to be one. It's generally very materialist and libertarian economics have been a disaster for America.

Inflation isn't great, but interest is the real problem and actually constitutes theft. The abolition of a central bank isn't the answer and leads to the clusterfuck of the wildcat banking era. A much better alternative is nationalizing the central bank.

I don't think government is fundamentally a bad thing, the problem is who currently runs it. The current elite class is the problem. Strip them of power and influence and you could build a much better system. At least, under the government, the people know who actually has control over it. Private banks are accountable to no one.

Government shouldn't be overbearing but it can do certain things better than private entities. Bureaucracy isn't always inefficient. There is always an elite class, even under a system with little government. Their existence isn't a problem, but the problem is how they use their power, which is overwhelmingly at the detriment of the backbone of the country. The throwing out of the current elite would fix the country, which would undo the sort of elite revolution of the 1960s.

A lot to unpack here

tfw the Jews haven't stole my foreskin

They've already repealed the taxes but the protests are still going


7 days to die? Haven't played it in years.

@hjujug good news for you friend

That's a false dichotomy. You can have a central bank that doesn't rely on debt and usury to operate, it just needs to be nationalized.

English classes are now just struggle sessions, you don't actually learn how to write or read at a higher level.

There's literally no reason not to be pro eugenics

There's no way to improve society in the long run without some sort of eugenics

You don't even need to have sterilization or anything, just give tax credits to high IQ people for each kid they have.

That is classic eugenics

There's more to eugenic policy than sterilization

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