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You wear uniforms, anyone slightly left will correlate you with the n*zis

Now... when we have some sort of dominance over popular opinion, then maybe we can get someone to make us some cool uniforms

It will be battle ready armor


Eh Iโ€™m not a fan of IQ tests. Women have lower IQs and it helps us be more wholesome, I donโ€™t think IQ should base how good of a person you are in that sense

I think credit score would be a lot more accurate determination of your racial affiliation.

Iโ€™m only 19 but Iโ€™m at like 700 because my mom was cool and took out loans and repaid them in my name

My mom is a PRO

I feel like once you reach 800 you get a free pony

How do you even stay in college long enough to have such big loans. I didnโ€™t even last a year, the forced diversity and constant pandering made me want to die

I wanted to major in biology. Now instead Iโ€™ve moved to a 99% white majority town and make engines for a living. No ragretz

My bf has this girl in his coding class that constantly acts like sheโ€™s special for knowing basic info on the topic

My English teacher let us write a paper on controversial topics. I chose Zionism. That was a really bad decision.

Your daughter will brighten up, really I promise you donโ€™t worry. I went from being a blue haired โ€œfuck the policeโ€ type girl, once I found the right guy I immediately took on more feminine and decent practices. Just keep sliding her some small red pills every now and then.

There was a Jew in my English class who competed with me constantly. When we were focusing on poetry, I had written my poem about men and women abandoning their traditional roles to pursue materialism, he wrote his about alcoholism he experienced probably hoping for some emotional appeal. Teacher still liked mine more, never seen a man more angry about poetry.

Yeah itโ€™s a little risky going after full lib girls, centrists are the safest, and even then some far right girls expectations are a little far fetched Iโ€™ve noticed.

Like IE is nice because the women here are actually realistic, and participate in what they preach. Other far right female groups I was in, it felt almost parallel to feminist groups. It was just constantly complaining about white men not all being complete Aryan fantasy men lol.

I wouldnโ€™t say on the same scale though. Iโ€™ve definitely had no trouble being pursued by men on the far right and Iโ€™m not exactly trad lol

Hey, itโ€™s not awful to be opinionated! Because then when sheโ€™s redpilled sheโ€™ll be opinionated about that lmao


I thought you just meant redpilled women specifically

I love how a lot of the men who complain about white women race mixing end up chasing after Asian women

I donโ€™t expect Lauren to be married already but I think it would be nice if she looked for a boyfriend at least

@Deleted User she made a video literally explaining how she was focusing on her career

Lex thatโ€™s even worse lmao

My only question is, where does that extend? Because so many women can do the whole activism thing just by being attractive. And sure they promote the cause, but when we cheer on women for being career oriented, that only invited more to pursue that

As a girl, before I was even really educated on any of my red pilled talking points, I already had Richard spencer and several other prominent far right men following my Twitter and YouTube after releasing only 2 videos. I think that a lot of what women do on these platforms is replaceable, as they donโ€™t seem to offer any solutions or ideas, which is why I think women being mothers is a little more important. Motherhood is irreplaceable.


Iโ€™m actually about to pass out but hi

Why canโ€™t she just have kids while doing activism? My mom raised three children while running a stressful business. Itโ€™s not like itโ€™s impossible to do both

I need to stop using my mom as a comparison though because sheโ€™s literally superhuman.

Iโ€™m not sure she isnโ€™t white though, just because you lost family in the holocaust doesnโ€™t really mean jew. And I have a last name that doesnโ€™t even fit my background either, Iโ€™m just making some observations

Thatโ€™s what they all say lol.

23 is fine, but 23 and not even being interested in dating at your peak sexual value? Ehhhhhh

She has said before sheโ€™s not dating because of her career lol

I dunno, I really wouldnโ€™t care about this so much if she didnโ€™t do that whole bit where she went up to random women and asked them if/why they will/wonโ€™t have kids. Seemed a bit invasive and ironic.

Yeah online dating is a no go

Iโ€™ve tried online dating so many times, but you donโ€™t genuinely know someone when you speak to them online.


welp Iโ€™m going to sleep now, g night everyone

My boyfriend put an app into IE!

Good morning everyone ๐Ÿ˜Ž

God I worked like 13 hours yesterday that was hell.

I canโ€™t even say I hate overtime when I get time and a half though, Iโ€™m a real wage slave lmao. And Iโ€™ve been trying to get more info on those protests in Germany

But merkel is literally limiting news coverage of it lol

Didnโ€™t hear about that ?

My biggest spender is food. I work manual labor so I have to eat so much to even semi function

Whatโ€™s your opinion on that whole Assad /chemical weapons story?

Iโ€™ve heard a couple different takes on it from the right.

I really need to educate myself more on that. Iโ€™ve been focusing on studying history so much I keep finding myself not even knowing whatโ€™s happening in present day lol

Was our space program that led us to the moon landing funded by anyone besides American tax dollars? If not, yes itโ€™s an American achievement

theyโ€™re over here culturally appropriating the damn moon landing.

Iโ€™m showing my bf blade runner tonight. He just got into far right politics so I feel like Iโ€™m about to make him autistic

Neil Armstrong? How about Louis Armstrong


Neilina Armstrongstein

I feel like every UN meeting is just the American Roast

America: the worst country in the world, but still give us all your money

Really hope their shocking number is like 70%... that would be nice

To me, homosexuality is like a fetish, if you want to practice it, do it entirely behind closed doors.

Now this reminds me of something I heard of a couple days ago. A 9 year old boy killed himself after being bullied for coming out. Now, this is sad of course ... but what Iโ€™m wondering is.. how did he know he was gay? Gayness is entirely sexual, there is no biological motive to being a homosexual, so how did this little boy know he liked gay sex, penis, etc? Even when I was a 9 year old girl that was never a thought that crossed my mind. Who was introducing sexuality to this child?

And of course, he was the son of two adoptive lesbian mothers. When we will learn that children will never prosper underneath gay families?

I know itโ€™s degenerate, but as long as humans exist there will be some sort of degeneracy.

I studied this quite a bit, and this is the best way I can simplify it. There is no gayness without illness. Gayness is almost always paired with schizophrenia, depression, or some severe anxiety. Humans main purpose is to reproduce, and not wanting that is on par with not wanting to eat, sleep, or simply wanting to die in general. And itโ€™s shown that there is very small biological correlations with genetics and gayness, but the only evidence that proves this is the same evidence that shows mental illness also has a connections with genetics. You are not BORN gay, gayness is triggered. Just like depression or anxiety is triggered, maybe by trauma, bad exercise or diet, gayness a lot of the time is triggered by child sexual stimulation.

I think there should be public open spaces for people with sexual disorders, I think people with gay thoughts who want to rid themselves of them should be able to reach out for help, and have a support system. Same with victims of sexual assault and the such. But any sexual โ€œprideโ€... uh no. Your sexual โ€œprideโ€ should only be your ability to reproduce. And your way of showing off that pride should be having children and raising them with dignity.

Homosexuality is REALLY pushed on younger kids. I remember, I was friends with so many bi sexuals, I started to question my own sexuality, and I thought maybe something was wrong with the fact I only liked men. Because of that, I tried talking to women in sexual ways when I was 16, realized how uncomfortable it made me, and started to question how anyone could actually do that. Since then Iโ€™ve been studying it pretty deeply.

Sorry man I am out here typing entire books right now lmao. Sorry for the lengthy stuff.

I think Russia is definitely taking good steps with pushing back on the LGBT movement

I really view gays in the same light as pedophiles, especially because a lot of gays are pedophiles also.

But my difference between them, is I believe gays can be cured, pedophilia cannot

Iโ€™m so glad my mom kept all her old VHS tapes of nice wholesome kids content. Iโ€™m not letting my future kids use YouTube until theyโ€™re like 13 at least...

Iโ€™ve seen cases of gays being cured, or at least subdued. The way to curing it is curing what ever triggered those thoughts and behaviors. Usually counseling for sexual trauma, parent abandonment, and therapy in general.

Repression isnโ€™t always the outcome, but itโ€™s definitely better than outwardly expressing that

The LGBT is constantly trying to ban conversion therapy camps and counselors, which is so odd for me because the majority of people who use these services are consenting adults.

It really isnโ€™t lol. If you really believe the โ€œshock therapyโ€ myth, Iโ€™m going to tell you now that there has only been one โ€œtherapistโ€ that has used that and he has been shamed since. Gay therapy practices are very similar to AA meetings and other illness counseling

And if youโ€™re against that, what do you suggest we do? Just allow them to continue life practicing gay behavior?

Itโ€™s unfair to not offer these people help when a lot of them want help. Taking away therapy because you deem it โ€œtortureโ€, when in reality, itโ€™s similar to any other therapists practices, it unfair. We need to get rid of this boogey-man thought process that gay therapy is electro shock, abusive torture. That is liberal propaganda, and I suggest you look further into this.

A disease and a fetish. Itโ€™s not like these things can be exclusive.

And... me using AA as an example isnโ€™t calling it an addiction, Iโ€™m referencing the group practices of the AA, itโ€™s an analogy, not meant to be literal.

I know that a society that doesnโ€™t harbor gay practices and acceptance is probably the best โ€œtreatmentโ€for these people, but we donโ€™t have that right now. We have to offer them other solutions. It is a disease, it should be treated as such.

(Also let me clarify a bit, Iโ€™m specifically talking about American and European conversion therapy. Iโ€™m aware there is actual torture based conversion therapy in other countries, especially in Africa and Central America)

And to clarify what electro shock therapy even is and itโ€™s uses, this is a helpful non biased article. Electro shock is not a barbaric practice, and has been successfully used to treat depression in many cases. It is entirely different from the electro shock โ€œtortureโ€ they write in these articles about gay conversion therapy.

And what people tend to have extreme depressive behaviors and illnesses? ... gay people.

And the gay people that have sought out electro therapy donโ€™t get this treatment at conversion camps.

Itโ€™s at licensed medical practices

Depression is tied with the orientation. Depression and other mental illnesses leads to multiple destructive behaviors, and one of the most common of these behaviors is sexual deviancy.

If you want to continue this though, we should probably go to DMs before we get yelled at lmao

I just thought that because this is more of a personal conversation at this point because itโ€™s just the two of us talking

Also Iโ€™m really new and not super familiar with the rules

I will say this, sometimes gayness is triggered by extreme depression and something depression is triggered by gay practices

Either way, if you eliminate the depression, it still overall contributes to the persons mentality in positive way

And also, I wouldnโ€™t go making the claim that a majority of gays arent depressed enough, considering the incredibly high suicide rates.

I never really said that those were the only two factors though, I mentioned mental illness quite a few times. Any practice that goes agains the natural human urge to reproduce is an illness.

But I need to clean now! It was really nice talking with you.

Anyone know if thereโ€™s a correlation between women not being married/independent and the creation of a large and prominent police force

I just feel like that has to have some sort of correlation, since there would be more people in need of protection.

I guess the only correlation I could make then is that children raised by single mothers are more likely to commit crime, but even then that kinda targets a uh... specific demographic lol

I just heard someone talking about that

So I wanted to see if any of you guys knew what they meant by it

Oh no I get that, I was just trying to relate that back to the single mothers/independent women in general thing.

But... also most single mothers are that demographic

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