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Yes, MSM is known for that...

Let's keep in mind we are watching a movie....

ha ha

What are they hiding

not for much longer

sorry mugs

remember we are watching a movie - a suspense thriller at that

Goodlatte said at the end - we need to ask the witnesses.... ongoing investigationssssss

thunderous applause

looks professional 412

It's about Liberty vs. Tyranny"-Ben Swann

no names ha ha

BC recently said ped acceptable now

getting through the learning curve

wow - will one day when I am not otherwise occupied....

what is the link????

All sounds bigger than we can even imagine....

James A. Michener in "Texas" fictional novel predicted/prophesied this would happen at the southern border....


Goodlatte ended by saying we need to ask the witnesses.....

Talk about deflection/projection.....

A large portion of Alphabet Inc, Facebook Inc, Netflix Inc and Twitter Inc directors have not attended annual shareholder meetings in recent years, company records and securities filings show, in some cases in growing numbers. https://www.business-standard.com/article/reuters/waiting-for-peter-thiel-big-tech-directors-miss-shareholder-meetings-118062400353_1.html

Only two of Netflix's 11 directors, including CEO Reed Hastings, attended its June 6 online-only annual meeting, a company web page shows. A third director attended in 2017, when the meeting was held in person.
The online format is a "great enabler" for directors inclined to skip the meetings, said John Chevedden, an activist investor who frequently files shareholder rights proposals.

A Netflix spokesman declined to comment on the attendance but said: "We approach board practices with a high level of transparency." In response to a complaint from Chevedden, Netflix said its "virtual" meeting was more accessible to stockholders.

Heard that Trump and Q made the "Time" list.... Will POTUS mention to the press that the he made the list and then ask them if they know who Q is? http://time.com/collection/most-influential-people-2018/

But who would ask?

no courage there... POTUS is the one to pose it to the press to see if they know who Q is.

they won't touch it....

Force this one... POTUS will set the narrative. Why no one has been investigating Q.

just saying

correct foilhat

My bet is on POTUS standing on the WH lawn atop the swamp asking the press why no one is reporting Q....

2018-06-29 11:37:06 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

2 ?s. On voice, what do you push when you push to talk? In text chat, how do you respond to a poster that you want to respond to?

ask him to come on "Soapbox"

2018-06-29 14:18:27 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

let me rephrase -- Don't think my laptop has a built in mic, so not able to push to talk? Old iphone may be my best bet to voice. When I am in text chat and want to respond directly to a post, how is that done?

the bible will do

In the beginning....


Love Q +, love yt chat, love all the patriots on earth, love everyone on "Soapbox", love our POTUS & FLOTUS and his administration and cabinet for winning!!!! And love our great American military!

POTUS will begin the narrative. He was named in top 25... by Time and so was Q. Love to see him on the White House lawn, on top of the Swamp, and telling the press he heard people are wondering "who is Q ?"

Dishing out redpills all over the place.

Every time I call Virginia Senator Mark Warner's office to ask them to tell me his position on an issue, they can't! Then they try to ask my opinion and I say I never have an opinion because I don't think I have the facts...that's why I called him, since he represents me. Then I say I know he must be very busy and ask them to let him know why I called....and it goes on and nowhere.

The Farm Bill was powerful

Thoughts exist before us ~ we just process them with our brains.

Some phones (landlines) are not working in the Reading PA area.

Comcast phones in Reading PA are back after 2 -3 hours down today.

Personally would love POTUS to walk out onto the WH lawn and mention to the press that he was in the top 25 list and he heard people are asking "who is Q?" who is on the list too.....

great sauce

The Catholic Church has give lip service to tackling the "misconduct" of the clergy for as long as I can remember.

Keep up the fight Kilo

MSM has no courage... never will.

Poetry to my ears

who said we should not talk about politics or religion?

2018-06-29 23:22:37 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #the-chapel-text]  

Trust in our Father and Creator and humbly pray ~ I love you Jesus, my Lord, I repent for ever having offended Thee, never permit me to offend Thee again, grant that I may love You always, and then do with me what Thou wilt. And humbly pray ~ Come Oh Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy Love. ~ The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.

....committee who was tasked with providing a statement on how to lead church members out of secret societies and provide teaching on the dangers of secret societies... https://www.cmalliance.org/about/beliefs/perspectives/secret-societies

Good Day Patriots! We are on our way to Freedom.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rynxqdNMry4&list=RDrynxqdNMry4

Growing up in the 60s was all about confusion.

JFK was an awakening for me at 8 years old.


Came onto this channel the first day of summer...been following Q and 24/7 since February. To answer your question..."All You Need is Love".

I did last this weekend

2018-07-02 13:36:12 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

grim - appreciate the direction, still much to learn about "new" terminology and what it means. Working on it when time permits. Too many squirrels distracting me....

Anyone know how to add to this.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon

Q proofs

WWII never ended....just changed front lines.

!!! This is a Land Mark Case and in order to be successful we will need critical mass of which our membership suggests that we are nearing. As Jefferson said "If a People expect to be ignorant and Free they expect what never was and never will be". So please get involved and get educated by reading and meditating over this case, learn how the court works. Take our FREE on line courses on civics and the Constitution. https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/docket

Yes, using topic specific channels shown on the left...was mentioned on Freedom Rings because when this text chat gets too busy it becomes less effective.

Specific channels are a good way to archive our research and as more and more people join us, we need to find a level of organization to our work.

Will be working with a moderator to write up a How to Use the Channels to help newcomers better navigate on Discord. Those in PS text chat can advise when posting to a specific topic Channel. Having a tab open for that Channel will make it easier to go back and forth...

How does one get invited into a conversation?

Roger that - Charlie

Violet77 - we can define Channels that will be helpful....The Q Channel is one I post to....

It's all good Violet77, just gets to be a bit too much to keep up with at times. Don't want people to walk away from their keyboards.

Understand that and it is difficult to know the best course of action to make it easier to keep us all informed of breaking news. There is soooo much breaking!

Later Conscience Abe


Lead by example

Understand your passion retiredDep

Love one another

Loving this conversation


Stay united. Plan with military precision.

Everyone hates to be misunderstood

I totally agree Violet77

Is Awan hearing public?

Mueller .....almost-but-not-quite ready to set a sentencing date for former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/02/michael-flynn-july-hearing-date-691336

Foxnews Journalist tweets Imran Awan cuts a plea deal with prosecutors
6/5/2018, 10:00:09 PM ยท by MNDude ยท 23 replies
Twitter ^
Alex Pappas: "NEW: It appears ex-Dem IT aide Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alvi have struck a deal with prosecutors: court filing says a plea agreement hearing has been set for July 3."

AWANS Strike Plea Agreement with Justice Department; Set to Plead Guilty In Front of Obama-Crony Judge https://truepundit.com/dog-set-to-plead-guilty-in-front-of-obama-crony-judge/

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